New Interview with Mike

Benighted Joe

Oct 21, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys,

Just wanted to share this Swedish video greeting-thing I just received
in a Roadrunner newsletter. I'm pretty sure Mike was forced to do this
video. That would explain why he seem a bit tense/nervous. This is
not the Mike I know
! Anyhow:

Here's the translation for you strange, non-Swedish-speaking-people :D:

Hello! I'm here at the Bonnier's Office [the book publisher?] to talk a little.
I just wanted to elaborate on what we are doing at the moment. Not that
much, actually. I'm writing music at home and I guess the others are busy on
their own. I know that Mendez currently plays Tango - it's true actually! I'm
composing at home and hoping to be able to put out a new album soon. I don't
know when we are going to record, but I'm guessing maybe this autumn... And
hopefully... It'll be a good metal album. Or whatever it might be. So, I hope you'll
wait for us... And we are probably going to do some gigs here at home [in
Sweden] when it's done, but for now I just wanted to say hi and wait for us.
Take care, bye!
Thanx! Havent seen that one.

Cant wait for the Stockholm-gig! :)
Maybe its time to try a little bigger place than Klubben this time?
Sold out pretty quick last time, think they would fill Arenan?
Something in between Arenan and Klubben maybe... but when i think about it... its really close and personal at Klubben, and good sound, it was amazingly good there last time.
Oh no... Some random guy at UltimateMetal said that I'm a moron and I don't
know why... :cry: :goggly:

Or do I? I'm not against Roadrunner, but this is new for Mike to do something
like this, now isn't it? Think before you give such troglodytic comments.

yea if you look close enough you can actually see the gun barrel and Mike's "Help Me" sign