To Mike, about Hunterfest

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cannibalPL said:
Probably my english is rather bad and it's not fluent enough for you my beloved Polish moron.
But the message is clear , as i said this is MY PERSONAL OPINION and my English has nothing with it.
For my polsh "friend":
Uwielbiam takich ludzi jak ty :Puke: , robią wszystko by zespół przyjechał do Polski, włażą im w dupy,glowyfikują a ten "łaskawie" się zjawia- gratulacje!. Ja jestem za tym by nazywać rzeczy po imieniu, organizator dał dupy z przelaniem pieniędzy a oni woleli się wypiąć i nie przyjechać niż dojść do pieniędzy na drodze sądowej (o ile ich by nie dostali). Tak jest najłątwiej olać i wogóle nie przyjechać (oj ciężko było wydostać się wtedy z lotniska) i rządać pieniędzy na drodze sądowej za nie wykonane koncerty.

Cóż nigdy nie umieliśmy się szanować.
Co do mojego angielskiego to przepraszam Szanownego Pana - czas leci a jeżeli mało używasz języka to naturalne jest że się go zapomina (ostatnio używałem go przed obroną magisterki 3 lata temu).

Cannibal PL

Well if you're coming to an english forum, it's best if you know english enough to communicate and not be seen as an illiterate moron - a failure on your part :rolleyes: So to put it clear for you:

Stary, po pierwsze nikt tu im w dupy nie wchodził - to organizator ich zaprosił, nie ja albo jakikolwiek inny fan opeth. Jak sam zauważyłeś, organizator dał dupy. Teraz powiedz mi kolego, czy idziesz do pracy kiedy wiesz, że ci za nią złamanego grosza nie dadzą i będziesz musiał dochodzić kasy sądowo (kolejne opłaty, których nikt ci nie zwróci)? Tu chodzi nie tylko o zespół ale ich ekipę, transport, etc. To nie jest matka teresa z kalkuty czy inna organizacja charytatywna - zespół to też praca a więc należy się kasa. Ty widzę mógłbyś pół globu zapierdalać za własną kasę i walczyć z międzynarodowymi sądami (ciekawe czy w ogóle wiesz jak kosztowne są takie sprawy)... Dzisiejsze oświadczenie organizatorów nie trzyma się kupy i tylko potwierdza, że chcieli kogoś oględnie mówiąc wyruchać a teraz mydlą oczy innym, że to nie ich wina...

Jak więc widzisz, twoje rozumowanie jest wyjątkowo dupne. Ciekawi mnie, że koleś tak błyskający inteligencją ma magisterkę (zakładając że ją obroniłeś), ale po ostatniej aferze z maturami to nawet nie takie zastanawiające...

That is all, cheers!

EDIT: acha, 'żądać' się pisze a nie 'rządać' a 'w ogóle' pisze się oddzielnie - Polskiego też nie używałeś od magisterki?
cannibalPL said:
Maybe the concert in Poland was canceled cause of Hunterfest Agency but all (plane,hotel,crew) was paid already! So what was the problem – GOOD WILL !!
Opeth had POLISH FANS DEEAPLY IN THE ASS. You could come, take money in the cash and return, no money=no concert – just holiday in Poland  . Fear Factory could come ?
I have one personal message for you : FUCK YOU :Puke: :Puke: , never come back again PLEASE! eaven as a support for Korn.


Fool, they actually had to pay for not playing. All the staff, deposists etc. Dickhead.
The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is more plausible than the one told by A&M Agency on the official Hunterfest site. ‘The Grand Conspiracy’ theory concerning Children of Bodom actually made me lol :D.
^ Have you seen the hunterfest forum? people actually believe it :erk: then again, the people who believe it are hunter fans who will support hunterfest anyhow and are not concerned with the whole matter at all... However, anybody else will have a hard time trying to swallow such a huge pill of lies...
cannibalPL said:
Probably my english is rather bad and it's not fluent enough for you my beloved Polish moron.
But the message is clear , as i said this is MY PERSONAL OPINION and my English has nothing with it.
For my polsh "friend":
Uwielbiam takich ludzi jak ty :Puke: , robią wszystko by zespół przyjechał do Polski, włażą im w dupy,glowyfikują a ten "łaskawie" się zjawia- gratulacje!. Ja jestem za tym by nazywać rzeczy po imieniu, organizator dał dupy z przelaniem pieniędzy a oni woleli się wypiąć i nie przyjechać niż dojść do pieniędzy na drodze sądowej (o ile ich by nie dostali). Tak jest najłątwiej olać i wogóle nie przyjechać (oj ciężko było wydostać się wtedy z lotniska) i rządać pieniędzy na drodze sądowej za nie wykonane koncerty.

Cóż nigdy nie umieliśmy się szanować.
Co do mojego angielskiego to przepraszam Szanownego Pana - czas leci a jeżeli mało używasz języka to naturalne jest że się go zapomina (ostatnio używałem go przed obroną magisterki 3 lata temu).

Cannibal PL

Cut this out CannibalPL !
Why would Opeth have to enter
into recourse to the law ?!
You have no right. This is more
than silly what You've written.
Plus, write in English, this is
no Polish forum for Your complaints.
*SIL said:
Cut this out CannibalPL !
Why would Opeth have to enter
into recourse to the law ?!
You have no right. This is more
than silly what You've written.
Plus, write in English, this is
no Polish forum for Your complaints.

^ +1 :)

Even babelfish "Altavista" can't translate this babble... :(

PS: Nice reply Mike!!
Well, even though I somewhere have a slight understanding how it can sting in the eyes of our fans when faced with the facts that we actually demand money in order to perform gigs, that's how it is. Quite simply, it's juvenile and very naive to think otherwise. And it worries me that our cancellation in Poland caused so much hate towards Opeth. Some are saying "Fear factory, Amorphis came and played without problems"...I tell you why...they got paid, we didn't. And about the band Hunter and what admittedly happened to them during their show. Obviously our frustration and anger is not directed towards the band but only towards the fact that the organisation could not fulfill their part of the deal. That's the END of the story. Had they lived up to the points in the contracts, Opeth would have been there and everything would have been great! We have played in Poland many times without any problems whatsoever, we love being and playing there. This gig was our first with a new promotor, and it didn't work out. That's the sad reality.

All we wanna do is play our fucking songs and have a good time. Unfortinately the band needs money to be able to tour and when we don't get them, we can't tour. That should be relatively easy for anyone to understand, no? Now we get all this shit...quite frankly I think it's unfair. Some "fans" say they'll never listen to us again, and that we should "fuck off"...Great! Thanks! Cheers!

Luckily, we also have good times occasionally, so thank you to those who provide us with bliss throughout our musical journey.
I completely agree, Mike. It is bullshit to blame Opeth for what happened, don't even sweat it!

Also, could you provide an update for the mexico/latin america dates?! I've been waiting for a reschedule, but no news so far :(

K, Thanks!

Samsara, do you have any idea as to what will happen with the mexican dates?

I'm going crazy down here waiting for ANSWERS! :sigh:
worldwide_suicide said:

Samsara, do you have any idea as to what will happen with the mexican dates?

I'm going crazy down here waiting for ANSWERS! :sigh:

No. You would have better luck bugging managment or the label than the band on the scheduling/re-scheduling of tours. The band really doesn't have anything to do with it. Sorry.
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Well, even though I somewhere have a slight understanding how it can sting in the eyes of our fans when faced with the facts that we actually demand money in order to perform gigs, that's how it is. Quite simply, it's juvenile and very naive to think otherwise. And it worries me that our cancellation in Poland caused so much hate towards Opeth. Some are saying "Fear factory, Amorphis came and played without problems"...I tell you why...they got paid, we didn't. And about the band Hunter and what admittedly happened to them during their show. Obviously our frustration and anger is not directed towards the band but only towards the fact that the organisation could not fulfill their part of the deal. That's the END of the story. Had they lived up to the points in the contracts, Opeth would have been there and everything would have been great! We have played in Poland many times without any problems whatsoever, we love being and playing there. This gig was our first with a new promotor, and it didn't work out. That's the sad reality.

All we wanna do is play our fucking songs and have a good time. Unfortinately the band needs money to be able to tour and when we don't get them, we can't tour. That should be relatively easy for anyone to understand, no? Now we get all this shit...quite frankly I think it's unfair. Some "fans" say they'll never listen to us again, and that we should "fuck off"...Great! Thanks! Cheers!

Luckily, we also have good times occasionally, so thank you to those who provide us with bliss throughout our musical journey.

duder...!!!......u aitn gotta worry bout "fans".......ppl love ure band...adn it is clear you didnt get no show.......everyoen understands that.....!!!....its a sad reality liek u said......bands need money to function.....and the promoter was relaly mateurish to not remedy this sitaution.......and now to my quesitonl....!!....when are u comin to TX again..!!.hahaha......Keep rockin my man....i proposed to my wife when "Still day beaneath the sun" was playin.......hahahaha.......Keep rockin bro.......u guys rock....PEAC EOUT
waz416c said:
duder...!!!......u aitn gotta worry bout "fans".......ppl love ure band...adn it is clear you didnt get no show.......everyoen understands that.....!!!....its a sad reality liek u said......bands need money to function.....and the promoter was relaly mateurish to not remedy this sitaution.......and now to my quesitonl....!!....when are u comin to TX again..!!.hahaha......Keep rockin my man....i proposed to my wife when "Still day beaneath the sun" was playin.......hahahaha.......Keep rockin bro.......u guys rock....PEAC EOUT

:erk: Holy Åkerfeldt, Batman! :erk: Waz just exploded.:erk:
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