To Mike, about Hunterfest

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poeth/oprth fan
Sep 8, 2005
yeah I hate those 'hey Mike' threads too but this time I really want to get it through and Mike seems to visit this place quite often...

I was totally dissappointed by your absence at Hunterfest and my grief was enlarged by the fact that I heard about your cancellation only when I was already there - me and like a 1000 other fans! There were some good bands on the list but fact is I came there just for you

I'm not blaming you at all - those fucking pricks at hunterfest know fuck all about organising an event like this. The Children of Bodom show was also cancelled in a similar manner which only shows their incompetence, not to mention numerous other fuck-ups on smaller scale... They wouldn't even give me the cash back! We 'booed' the shit out of them

Anyhow what I'm trying to deliver here is that there was a really great number of fans waiting for this (me on top of it all - I still haven't seen you live!) so I hope that this incident won't discourage you from coming here again and I hope to see you as soon as possible!

Tis a bad scene, imo, I'm gutted for you Opethfans in Poland.

According to Mike's post on, They are also "Out of Pocket" and considering litigation, this is sooo bad, why is it the good guys get ripped off. :puke:

I only want to add that the Law costs loads of money, and takes forever so rather than try to recover it, risking throwing good money after bad, think of something else to recoup the losses...

This sort of thing just reminds me of summit I am trying to forget, "Fecking Lawyers!!!!" and ineffective legal precedents. :mad: :cry:

Edit: Just my 2 pence worth guys , If you do pursue this then I hope you :kickass: and put the sniveling grobshite out of harms way, as it appears to me as a completely fraudulant action "Breach of Contract" by the promoter, ripoff merchant.
I do hope that Opeth will find some time to visit Poland despite what has happened, as there are lots of people here who can’t wait to see the band’s live performance. If Porcupine Tree, Nile, Satyricon etc. can have a proper gig in Poland, then why shouldn’t we get a nice, long Opeth concert in the near future :)
Even though I can understand that our Polish fans are upset we didn't play, I truly think they should direct their anger at the promoter instead. He intended to rip us off, plain and simple. We gave him deadlines to pay us our fee and he didn't step up to the plate. Now, I see a few fans jumping to the conclusion that we're "greedy" and saying things like "You didn't come to Poland because of money???".

This band is now operating on a level where it's impossible for us to do free gigs anymore as there's wages that we have to pay to other people in our organisation. I'm sorry, but I aint gonna pay to play, which is what would have happened with Hunterfest. After we're done with the tour for Ghost reveries we will have done almost 250 (or more) gigs since June 2005. That's quite a few? I have better things to do than getting ripped off by some shady promoter, so sometimes we need to put our foot down. And believe me we don't cancel until all other options have run out.

And don't worry, we will be coming back, only with a different promoter.
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Even though I can understand that our Polish fans are upset we didn't play, I truly think they should direct their anger at the promoter instead. He intended to rip us off, plain and simple. We gave him deadlines to pay us our fee and he didn't step up to the plate. Now, I see a few fans jumping to the conclusion that we're "greedy" and saying things like "You didn't come to Poland because of money???".

This band is now operating on a level where it's impossible for us to do free gigs anymore as there's wages that we have to pay to other people in our organisation. I'm sorry, but I aint gonna pay to play, which is what would have happened with Hunterfest. After we're done with the tour for Ghost reveries we will have done almost 250 (or more) gigs since June 2005. That's quite a few? I have better things to do than getting ripped off by some shady promoter, so sometimes we need to put our foot down. And believe me we don't cancel until all other options have run out.

And don't worry, we will be coming back, only with a different promoter.

sounds pretty damn reasonable.
Wow, seems like Mike posts more often than he did when I was around here a couple of years ago! Awesome that the guy, even now that his band has reached this level of success, isn't above answering a thread like this on his board! :kickass:
Mike, now that you're taking the time to answer these kind of questions:

Any idea as to when the Mexico dates will be rescheduled?
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Even though I can understand that our Polish fans are upset we didn't play, I truly think they should direct their anger at the promoter instead. He intended to rip us off, plain and simple.

Hey Mike, thanks for writing. I'm pretty sure none of the *Opeth* fans are angry at you. The ones jumping to such conclusions and saying such things are the other Hunterfest attendees - mostly the Hunter fans, who are trying to defend "their" band. All in all, now it comes down to rather useless Internet drama.

Please don't worry either, our anger IS towards the promoter. And we're eagerly waiting for you to come to Poland in some better circumstances.

BTW, I hope you got my PM, and didn't got confused too much by it.

stnm / Poland
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Even though I can understand that our Polish fans are upset we didn't play, I truly think they should direct their anger at the promoter instead. He intended to rip us off, plain and simple. We gave him deadlines to pay us our fee and he didn't step up to the plate. Now, I see a few fans jumping to the conclusion that we're "greedy" and saying things like "You didn't come to Poland because of money???".

This band is now operating on a level where it's impossible for us to do free gigs anymore as there's wages that we have to pay to other people in our organisation. I'm sorry, but I aint gonna pay to play, which is what would have happened with Hunterfest. After we're done with the tour for Ghost reveries we will have done almost 250 (or more) gigs since June 2005. That's quite a few? I have better things to do than getting ripped off by some shady promoter, so sometimes we need to put our foot down. And believe me we don't cancel until all other options have run out.

And don't worry, we will be coming back, only with a different promoter.

Hey Mike, thanks for replying to my thread :) so I totally agree with stnm: Opeth fans know that it wasn't your fault and as I said, we gave the promoter a hard time at the gigs :lol: sorry for the hunter fags who try to shift the blame on you - we'll see who's right next year when nobody comes to their concerts... Anyhow good to hear that you're not Poland-averse yet after the shit at metal hammer festival and hunterfest :cool:

Maybe the concert in Poland was canceled cause of Hunterfest Agency but all (plane,hotel,crew) was paid already! So what was the problem – GOOD WILL !!
Opeth had POLISH FANS DEEAPLY IN THE ASS. You could come, take money in the cash and return, no money=no concert – just holiday in Poland  . Fear Factory could come ?
I have one personal message for you : FUCK YOU :puke: :puke: , never come back again PLEASE! eaven as a support for Korn.

cannibalPL said:
Maybe the concert in Poland was canceled cause of Hunterfest Agency but all (plane,hotel,crew) was paid already! So what was the problem – GOOD WILL !!
Opeth had POLISH FANS DEEAPLY IN THE ASS. You could come, take money in the cash and return, no money=no concert – just holiday in Poland  . Fear Factory could come ?
I have one personal message for you : FUCK YOU :puke: :puke: , never come back again PLEASE! eaven as a support for Korn.


Hunter fans fuck off... and learn some english moron - just because your beloved grade D metallica rip-off band can't use it doesn't mean you don't have to learn it :Smug:
I believe it was promoter's fault. Sad but true.

However, I'm also one of those fans
who have never seen Opeth live before.
I'd love to see You, so I will be looking
forward to this day ;-)
Probably my english is rather bad and it's not fluent enough for you my beloved Polish moron.
But the message is clear , as i said this is MY PERSONAL OPINION and my English has nothing with it.
For my polsh "friend":
Uwielbiam takich ludzi jak ty :puke: , robią wszystko by zespół przyjechał do Polski, włażą im w dupy,glowyfikują a ten "łaskawie" się zjawia- gratulacje!. Ja jestem za tym by nazywać rzeczy po imieniu, organizator dał dupy z przelaniem pieniędzy a oni woleli się wypiąć i nie przyjechać niż dojść do pieniędzy na drodze sądowej (o ile ich by nie dostali). Tak jest najłątwiej olać i wogóle nie przyjechać (oj ciężko było wydostać się wtedy z lotniska) i rządać pieniędzy na drodze sądowej za nie wykonane koncerty.

Cóż nigdy nie umieliśmy się szanować.
Co do mojego angielskiego to przepraszam Szanownego Pana - czas leci a jeżeli mało używasz języka to naturalne jest że się go zapomina (ostatnio używałem go przed obroną magisterki 3 lata temu).

Cannibal PL
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