To Mike, about Hunterfest

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Mr Samsara said:
:erk: Holy Åkerfeldt, Batman! :erk: Waz just exploded.:erk:

I dont see how you can make that statement.....i havent really misppled that much in the last post...!!.....o well......I was jsut tryin to hopefully talk to Mike....hahahah...!!........hopefully he understood...!!!.....PEAC EOUT
^Waz, how did your type style originated anyways? We all know you can type properly, but why do you type the way you do, and how did it start?
Opethian666 said:
^Waz, how did your type style originated anyways? We all know you can type properly, but why do you type the way you do, and how did it start?

it was a cold winter night.....!!!....the demons had descended upon earth to seek out "the one".....that would be ures truly....!!!.....I was headbanging to some DIDO....and suddenly....the demons...!!!...they appeared out of nowhere....!!!.....startled.....I ran for the door....but ALAS....i was too late....!!!....thier evil hold on the door knob was tighter than a witch's clef....!!!.....trapped...i had no choice but to reach for my "Wreath"....that the deadly badgers had made for me teh night before.....!!! epic battle ensued....!!!.....They were out to change my typing skillz for EVER...!!!!.....i was not one to give in easy.....!!!!.....after hours of takin shots at each other.....we retreated to the moor.....!!!!....there I befirended a felllow named "Per".....he swore alliegance...!!!.....but at the sight of teh demons...he became weary adn weak....his vigor withered and he turned against me.....!!!!.....these strange conditions made me realize how quickly friendships can be turned into anamosities...!!!!.......I was finally defeated adn was cursed to the living day to forever typ ethe way I do now...!!!! is sadi though.....that once every full moon.........if I can find Per....and have him teach me to type...!!!......I can regain teh full normality of my tuping....!!!...

...........there you go young grass u know my secret...!!!!.......its a burden to bear I know.....but may the spirit of teh buffalo be with you...!!!......PEAC EOUT
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
All we wanna do is play our fucking songs and have a good time. Unfortinately the band needs money to be able to tour and when we don't get them, we can't tour. That should be relatively easy for anyone to understand, no? Now we get all this shit...quite frankly I think it's unfair. Some "fans" say they'll never listen to us again, and that we should "fuck off"...Great! Thanks! Cheers!

Anyone who could not listen to your music because you were ripped off isn't a fan. I found your story completely reasonable and far more plausible than the garbage spewed out by the website of the promoter. I seem to remember the same thing happening with Katatonia on a tour, and they also ended up cancelling. Great to see bands sticking up for themselves. What a lot of people don't seem tounderstand is that Opeth is virtually a business now. Everything costs money people!
Yeah that didn't come out right. I mean as in, if something like Hunterfest happens, you can't expect the band to go out of pocket, especially as Opeth is an underground band, with not as much money as mainstream artists like Justin Timberlake and Kanye West or whoever. To not listen to a band over something like this shows incredible immaturity and a complete lack of empathy on the 'fans' behalf. However there has to be a limit... if they'd come and been paid and then decided they couldn't be fucked playing then I wouldn't have a problem with people being so angry at them they wouldn't listen to their music.
it was a cold winter night.....!!!....the demons had descended upon earth to seek out "the one".....that would be ures truly....!!!.....I was headbanging to some DIDO....and suddenly....the demons...!!!...they appeared out of nowhere....!!!.....startled.....I ran for the door....but ALAS....i was too late....!!!....thier evil hold on the door knob was tighter than a witch's clef....!!!.....trapped...i had no choice but to reach for my "Wreath"....that the deadly badgers had made for me teh night before.....!!! epic battle ensued....!!!.....They were out to change my typing skillz for EVER...!!!!.....i was not one to give in easy.....!!!!.....after hours of takin shots at each other.....we retreated to the moor.....!!!!....there I befirended a felllow named "Per".....he swore alliegance...!!!.....but at the sight of teh demons...he became weary adn weak....his vigor withered and he turned against me.....!!!!.....these strange conditions made me realize how quickly friendships can be turned into anamosities...!!!!.......I was finally defeated adn was cursed to the living day to forever typ ethe way I do now...!!!! is sadi though.....that once every full moon.........if I can find Per....and have him teach me to type...!!!......I can regain teh full normality of my tuping....!!!...

...........there you go young grass u know my secret...!!!!.......its a burden to bear I know.....but may the spirit of teh buffalo be with you...!!!......PEAC EOUT

That is truly grim!!!
And what did the demons look like, something like the ones on the surfboards in my sig?
are you implying that such evil forces as :immortal: culd be involved in this ? this would truly be gr1m...
Yes, although they are so busy doing other stuff.



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