New Journey album Revelation

Seriously? This forum doesn't need that, especially considering that most of the bands mentioned on this board - as well as many of the forum members! - are foreign to the U.S. Leave the attitude at the login screen..

Back on topic.... I guess I'll be raiding Wal-Mart tonight :) I don't care who is singing (though Arnel is awesome....), as I'm a bit of a Neal Schon fanboy. Love his work.

I was saying nothing about being foreign or any bad reference about being foreign, all I was saying was you were getting a Steve Perry copycat with a foreign accent. Don't take it personally man!!
There is such a thing as couth...You do not have it however. Opinion is one thing. I would like to know if you care to share with us your wonderful sense of insight about what you exactly know about Jeff Scott Soto's departure from Journey?

I get to work with him in a few weeks, I will definitely find out what he feels but until then maybe you can let us all know what we are missing. Thanks!!!

I think the new guy for Journey is pretty great and he speaks English pretty damn good, check the lve videos on you tube.


Hey Bear! Yes, I know exactly what happened to Jeff Scott Soto in regards to the Journey situation and I know because he told me personally what happened. No, I will not share that info with you or anyone in respect for Jeff Scott Soto as he has told me not to mention it to anyone. If he chooses to tell you that info in a few weeks then you will know.
In regards to the new Journey singer, I never said that he couldn't speak good English. All I said was that when he sings (and I am talking live) his accent comes through strongly so you have a singer that sounds like Steve Perry with an accent.
I was saying nothing about being foreign or any bad reference about being foreign, all I was saying was you were getting a Steve Perry copycat with a foreign accent. Don't take it personally man!!

Ok, I re-read your post after reading the above, and I can see how I misread the shit out of your post. Reading negative remarks on Youtube caused me to read your post in a very bad light. You have my sincerest apologies.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. I think the Eagles struck a deal with Wal-Mart and/or Sam's Club for exclusive sales rights to their latest album. It made them a fortune. In fact, they were just written up in a recent issue of Advertising Age as an example of where the music industry is heading in terms of marketing.

So I wouldn't let the Wal-Mart exclusive scare anyone away.

That said, I'm not sure anything short of Steve Perry rejoining the band would get me interested in them again.


Bo Bice has done that as well.

OK, I've been one of the biggest pessimist toward this new Journey lineup on the board, so I'm admitting that. I still stand by my original thoughts about letting JSS go though. I'm a total fanboy of his and still think he would've made a great album with Journey. With that said, I have heard some clips of the new album and I can't help but dig it! It has a very classic Journey sound as opposed to the more modern version of Journey like we've heard on efforts such as Generations and Arrival. Eventhough, I think Arrival is a good album, I think Generations is pretty weak.

I think they should have stuck with JSS too. they need to get over the "gotta get a guy who sounds like Steve Perry" thing. No one sounds like Steve Perry and imitators tend to lose their voices touring with Journey. Augeri was a casualty and JSS almost ended up one. I've got a bootleg of a JSS with Journey performance, and while it's awesome in parts, there are others where his performance is painful. It sounded to me like he was losing his voice. Herbie Herbert in a recent interview was also of the opinion that JSS, while one of the greatest singers of our time, can't sing Journey songs night in and night out and keep his voice in one piece.

IMO, they should have done something really bold and gotten a female, like Floor Jansen. She'd be able to hit the notes and Journey might even have a chance at commercial success again because female-fronted bands are in.
Got the 3 disc special edition today at Wal-Mart for $11.00. The LIVE dvd w/Arnell KILLS, it's easily worth the $11 itself. The new album w/arnell is pretty good with the ballads actually being the best songs. Some of the faster songs you would'nt know was JOURNEY by the vocals alone as he doesn't really sound like Perry much on them, but he does on the "old" songs and sounds great live. Well worth the money!

P.S I too wanted them to make an album with Soto.
In case some here don't know, Schon and Soto did make an album called Soul Sirkus. I think Castronovo was on it too.

It's nothing at all like Journey though.
Nope, Soul Sirkus has Virgil Donati on drums, and I believe it was the bassist from Whitesnake(his name just skips my mind right now). A lot of the drum fills on Soul Sirkus only Donati can do. I like the Soul Sirkus cd better than Journey, but I never really heard Journey until I heard that cd, and that is when I started listening to Journey. The reason I checked out Soul Sirkus was because I am a huge Virgil Donati fanboy.
after Jeff Scott Soto, Journey should have broken up. The members should have formed a new band with Jorn Lande on vocals.

They could have called themselves "Jorney":heh:

man, I think up some dumb shit when it's early :)
Nope, Soul Sirkus has Virgil Donati on drums, and I believe it was the bassist from Whitesnake(his name just skips my mind right now). A lot of the drum fills on Soul Sirkus only Donati can do. I like the Soul Sirkus cd better than Journey, but I never really heard Journey until I heard that cd, and that is when I started listening to Journey. The reason I checked out Soul Sirkus was because I am a huge Virgil Donati fanboy.

Marco Mendoza on Bass?
Nope, Soul Sirkus has Virgil Donati on drums, and I believe it was the bassist from Whitesnake(his name just skips my mind right now). A lot of the drum fills on Soul Sirkus only Donati can do. I like the Soul Sirkus cd better than Journey, but I never really heard Journey until I heard that cd, and that is when I started listening to Journey. The reason I checked out Soul Sirkus was because I am a huge Virgil Donati fanboy.

The original Soul Sirkus release (Black Cover) has Deen Castonovo on drums and then they re-released it with (Green & Yellow Covers) with Virgil Donati. I saw them live with Virgil and he was amazing, did an unbelievable drum solo.
after Jeff Scott Soto, Journey should have broken up. The members should have formed a new band with Jorn Lande on vocals.

They could have called themselves "Jorney":heh:

man, I think up some dumb shit when it's early :)


But, Journey really should have called it a day. Their heyday a long, long time ago. They are not getting it back anytime soon.

Maybe if they went on American Idol as a guest and brought Randy back on the bass?
First, I think that Arnel Pineda just doesn't do the classic songs justice live. But the new album did get good reviews on, so I'll give it a shot. According to Andrew McNeice's review. Pineda only sounds like Perry on the ballads. On the rock tunes, he's his own man. But then he has to sing Journey classics live and that just doesn't work. But then again, Soto didn't do as well as he could have on the classics either. Which just goes to show how awesome Perry was. Heck, I saw Steve Perry in 1994 and even HE couldn't do those songs justice anymore.

After watching those videos, I think Arnell does a fantastic job and certainly does do the classics justice. I'll buy the new CD just for the live DVD. Given that you think even Perry can't even do the classics justice anymore, who do you know can?

I'm more than thrilled to see Arnell take the job and keep the band alive. Better to be alive and ticking and playing kick-ass shows like this than bury it all. There is more to Journey than Steve Perry.
After watching those videos, I think Arnell does a fantastic job and certainly does do the classics justice. I'll buy the new CD just for the live DVD. Given that you think even Perry can't even do the classics justice anymore, who do you know can?

I'm more than thrilled to see Arnell take the job and keep the band alive. Better to be alive and ticking and playing kick-ass shows like this than bury it all. There is more to Journey than Steve Perry.

My sentiments exactly!!!!

great minds and all :rock:

It's great to see how the internet is leveling the playing field when it comes to finding musical talent. It's like a worldwide talent agency that is open 24/7 to anyone who has an internet connection. You no longer have to be an established talent (with all the ego and baggage) to get a listen from the big bands and possibly live a dream. Last weekend, the Sunday CBS evening news even had a story on how Boston found it's replacement for Brad (the new vocalist's daughter posted songs of him singing karaoke to Boston on her MySpace page). And of course, Arnell, Journey, and the YouTube videos.

The re-recorded studio versions of the classics with Arnell on vox sound just fabulous, and I wouldn't doubt that many fans are going to like Arnell's voice as much or maybe even more over time than Steve Perry's. There is going to be a familiarization process between Arnell and the hardcore Journey fans, which is one reason why I think the band re-recorded the classics with Arnell. Arnell doesn't come with the ego, baggage, or fan expectations of an established musician - Arnell is a pro talent and fan of the band whom could have only dreamt of this opportunity. I think this new lineup is going to do VERY well for many years to come.
IMO, they should have done something really bold and gotten a female, like Floor Jansen. She'd be able to hit the notes and Journey might even have a chance at commercial success again because female-fronted bands are in.

When I initially read your post I was like, WTH! Then I got to thinking about it and that actually would be cool. I don't think Schon has balls that big though, but I could be wrong. :lol:
