New kid on the block


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2005
Well, not completely new. I've been snooping around for years :grin:

But, here I am now. I got bored of not being able to say anything. I don't even remember if I've been regged here before..


I'm a swedish nutcase with lots of music in my veins.. Bought Twilight In Olympus 1999 cuz i thought it had a cool cover. And i was bored of the cheezy Manowar/Rhapsody/Blind guardian lyrics. Then it didn't take long until I was completely sold out on SX... And as a singer i try to steal some good stuff from Russel :rock: But it'll be impossible to reach the skill he's got!!

Got a roadtrip comin' up in june through the USA. (DC->Vegas, southern route).. So please.. All of you who live there.. If you know a good bar/club/houseparty/whatever :loco: LET ME KNOW! We aren't planning to sit in a car across the country without meeting some good people.. Sx fans would be even better.. the rest of the guys don't listen to SX so it would be a perfect needle in their eyes.

Hey, a fellow swede! I'm also new here :)

vågade inte göra en presentations topic, jänkarna blir lätt så upprörda över forum regler osv.. jeje. :D
Zepophan said:
Bought Twilight In Olympus 1999 cuz i thought it had a cool cover
:tickled: :tickled:

DC->Vegas, southern route

There is an unusually large homosexual population in DC. Me and my cousins were heading to a bar one evening during a vacation and we found out the hard way that it was a gay bar.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that, im just......ummm........yea.
Phanto said:
Hey, a fellow swede! I'm also new here :)

vågade inte göra en presentations topic, jänkarna blir lätt så upprörda över forum regler osv.. jeje. :D

Cool! Nice to know that we've got OK people in our country afterall ;)