New label?

cloudy dream my recovery room
Feb 16, 2004
Sweden's OPETH are officially free agents after having been dropped by BMG/Zomba when their previous label, Music For Nations, was folded into parent company Zomba Records Group (the world's largest independent music group). The band are looking through new offers at the moment.

What will happen to Anathema...?
Probably they will have no label too. Unless they change their style to making cover songs of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. With songs names like: "I will love you all night", "All night i will love you", "love you i will all night", "you i all will night love", "love night will all i you", "night will all i you love" , "all will love i you night".

Also they can add the word "baby" to have some more diversity.
Tragicus said:
Probably they will have no label too. Unless they change their style to making cover songs of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. With songs names like: "I will love you all night", "All night i will love you", "love you i will all night", "you i all will night love", "love night will all i you", "night will all i you love" , "all will love i you night".

Also they can add the word "baby" to have some more diversity.

How many meaningful sentences can you make from this?

Nobody knows the man she loves.
6*5*4*3*2, hihi

But I'd like to know how many meaningful ones are there.

Some smart IT person should write a program on that, generating all the sentences AND picking the meaningful ones.
alright, let's treat "the man" as 1 unit, then we have with (1), (2) and (3) being either "she", "the man" or "nobody":

(1) knows (2) loves (3), with (3) not "she -> 4 possibilities
(1) knows (2) (3) loves -> 6 possibilities
(1) loves (2) knows (3), with (3) not "she" -> 4 p.
(1) loves (2) (3) knows -> 6 p.

this makes 20 possibilities, anyone know more?

loves the man she knows nobody?
knows the man she loves nobody?
knows nobody she loves the man?
loves nobody she knows the man?

this makes 24
what is hmmm about knows nobody she loves the man then?

and how many meaningful sentences can you make with these words?
Alwin said:
what is hmmm about knows nobody she loves the man then?

and how many meaningful sentences can you make with these words?

only one, grammar is too strict, apparently

how many meaningful words can you make with these sentences is the only alternative, which is stupid
Well, of course, now with this shameful "merger" Anathema have to reconsider the whole issue of the next best album. Let's see what the possibilities are.

a) I think everyone may agree that jumping before getting dumped is better than just waiting for it. Therefore: jump!

b) After the jump, it might prove hard to get used to being independent. There are various possibilities though:

b/1) Finding a label with a decent financial package -- may be the hardest thing to do, especially considering promotion.
b/2) Signing to Strangelight Records -- but what about the finances and the promotion?
b/3) Making their own release/label -- but what about the finances and the promotion again? And who'll be the secretary of the new enterprise? Moreover, having a label behind you looks more prestigious, in my opinion, unless you are really wealthy, so that you don't have to care about all of this.

c) It all comes down to money and trust. And money. And it never figures out the way it should.

And who wants to read this stuff over and over again? :D
Maqus said:
6*5*4*3*2, hihi

But I'd like to know how many meaningful ones are there.

Some smart IT person should write a program on that, generating all the sentences AND picking the meaningful ones.
ive done the program, you want to sort em out????!!
StevenK said:
ive done the program, you want to sort em out????!!

But sorting out should be part of the program, I guess it's pretty easy to make the sentences without meaning. Give your program some brainpower, Alwin set up the criteria. :)

Will you copy-paste the senteces anyway? :lol: