I'm fucking sold. First thing I'm doing when this album is done, is going back to a hackintosh setup, in preparation for Logic 9.
I called my local Apple store on that.. they don't even have it in stock so I just ordered it online.
O god.....this.......is........awesome..........why must macs be so expensive. I know i could hack mac os on my pc but from what i hear you need to have pretty much a supercomuter to run it comfortably?
It seems almost official; Steinberg is getting outclassed from every angle. I can't wait to jump ship. Logic ain't an option though, what with the Mac only thing.
Nobody else has anything that comes close to Cubase's drum list editor, or logical editor, or its superb handling of complex nested track folder structures and large track counts in general. Also, Cubase is the most CPU efficient DAW in my experience.
Just in case anyone missed it, it's Intel only.
Not entirely true.
Apple states that PPC is not supported but the app itself is "universal binary" and there are reports coming in of Logic9 installing and running fine on PPC macs.
also note that in the System Requirements it says that Intel processor is needed to install "all applications", my guess is that mainstage2 (like its predecessor) will not install or run unless its rigid requirements are met.
i desperatly hope that the same can be said for the whole "10.5.7" requirement, i really dont want to have to fuck around with updating OSX.
Ah, OK. Did not know that or read into that way. Just didn't notice the system requirements till now and thought maybe I should post about it in case someone jumps the gun.
I'm always up to date so I wasn't concerned for my self. :Smokedev:
Not entirely true.
Apple states that PPC is not supported but the app itself is "universal binary" and there are reports coming in of Logic9 installing and running fine on PPC macs.
also note that in the System Requirements it says that Intel processor is needed to install "all applications", my guess is that mainstage2 (like its predecessor) will not install or run unless its rigid requirements are met.
i desperatly hope that the same can be said for the whole "10.5.7" requirement, i really dont want to have to fuck around with updating OSX.
Updating OSX is simple really dude. I'm on Leopard at the moment (upgraded from Tiger) and when Snow Leopard is out, I'll be upgrading again. Time Machine will save me a lot of hassle this time around!