New long ambient/metal song

Cool, reminds me of some soundtrack moments. But i would lower the room on the drums, or compress it to hell. Doesn´t fit the music imho. Some piano and strings could be nice... Is it your usual soloc 8505 catharsis chain? Different EQing?
Just 2 words, fucking AMAZING:OMG: This song is really awesome. Great sense of melody. Love it. And the mix is good too.
Mart: Hehe yeah, vocals would be cool. Unfortunately I can't sing or know anyone that would like to :)

MetalMiller: Good point, maybe more compressed less verby drums would fit better when the mix is pretty dense from all guitars like this, will experiment with the drums later. Yeah piano/strings would be cool, I'm thinking about picking up one of those orchestral sample libraries. Yeah rhythm guitars are soloc 8505 catharis, can't check right now but I think the post eq was a bit different, can check later. No major changes though.

MetallyGuitarded, Nuno Filipe: Thanks guys, glad you liked it!
Wow, awesome, man. Congrats, nice tune, indeed.

Btw, can you post some screenshots with the Soloc and 8505, very interresting sound.
Cool that you liked it!

Here the guitar settings:

I use EMG:s in my guitar(9V), and I've seen alot of discussion here about their preamp clipping internally and it being such a big problem. Here's how one of my rhythm di-tracks look :)


Note that it's not my interface clipping but the pickup itself(other pickups get higher headroom on the same input/cables). I guess it's a combination of fairly thick strings(12-56) in drop C, having the pickup really high up and hitting the strings very hard close to the bridge. The neck pickup never clips.
Wow, that sounds really good to me. I like the tune and the overall sound. Good guitar sounds. Drums are ok, but not spectacular.
Thanx for sharing your settings. I think the EMG distortion contributes to the sound significantly. If you make an updated mix I will check it out again.

Thanks ballstix, cool that you like my songs, appreciate it alot! Snare is just the sneap snare replaced 100%.

shogger: Yeah, the EMG distortion gives it a special sound for sure, if it's good or bad I don't know. I never tried out to mod the guitar for 18V which should increases the headroom. I should probably make new mix with less snare/tom verb, just been very busy in school lately. Thanks for checking it out!
I just heared your song, and i'm wondering how can you write so great tunes in every month lol:)
Mix wise it's very good. The clean guitar was SoloC too(and some reverb)?