New Manegarm - Vredens Tid - HOLY SHIT

pretty good stuff, but i don't really enjoy this kind of stuff for very long. 7/10 rating then toss it on the promo pile to never see again type of thing tbh ihn ymsmb.

oh and it's makes sense why these dudes have been in Krigloch's signature for a long time now, sounds like the production has gone through at least 6 cycles by now.

Plzdatemekthx said:
pretty good stuff, but i don't really enjoy this kind of stuff for very long. 7/10 rating then toss it on the promo pile to never see again type of thing tbh ihn ymsmb.

oh and it's makes sense why these dudes have been in Krigloch's signature for a long time now, sounds like the production has gone through at least 6 cycles by now.


lol, I didn't think YOU'D like it. Hell, you just professed your undying love for Coheed & Cambria. Of course, Maren told you to, so...

ZING! ;)
1 min in. This shit slays. Update in 4 minutes.

Edit- This officially slays.

Now on to being an open-minded monkey, as I check out this coheed and cambria song. [/emo]
markgugs said:
I don't think you'll like it much, Ellestin, but that's just based on bands you've said good & bad things about here.

Still, worth a listen at least, eh?

Of course worth a listen. I had one album by them ("Havets Vargar") but traded it away for lack of listening, though it was solid through and through. This song sounds pretty similar if a little more jollyfolkish, and I don't dig the female vocals too much. So I'll stay away from it if you don't mind.
Ellestin said:
Of course worth a listen. I had one album by them ("Havets Vargar") but traded it away for lack of listening, though it was solid through and through. This song sounds pretty similar if a little more jollyfolkish, and I don't dig the female vocals too much. So I'll stay away from it if you don't mind.

Fair enough, at least you checked it out, lol

If it wasn't obvious yet, I'm a complete fanboy for viking-styled metal,'ll see, when I finally compile my year end best of list. :D
This is alright, need to give it another spin. I listened to this back to back with the Omnium and my gaydar alert is on overload.

It's better than the previous Manegarm I heard (second rate Windir meets Helheim wannabes).
No, not the whole album yet, just this song, just now. I'll listen again - wasn't focusing because wonka was giving me grief in some other thread.