Matt Jones reworked his version and I think he did a great job on picking up the pace in the bridge section and the ending. Take a listen!
Click here
Click here
... I really want to hear a vocal on wake darker skies actually!
I think that:
This is a case where you become "close" to a song and more desensitized to it.. and begin to make decisions that could negatively impact the song. The question/answer deal on the bridge seems disjointed and messes with the flow of the song.
The screaming bit at the end is a really cool idea ... However, in my opinion, there should be a couple "I'm dying for you"'s before the scream kicks in. Its a good hook in the song and its good for someone to hear that by itself. Same goes in my opinon for the harmony on it that's there now.. let the "i'm dying for you" idea develop a bit.. By itself, then maybe harmony.. then maybe harmony and scream.
Also, the scream itself comes off as humorous to me.. like someone jumping from a building, or Sam Kinison. I think if your dying for someone, it might sound a bit more like you've been lit on fire or something.
While I think that the overall performance on take 2 is better. I don't like the screams at the end. I sound like that knob, Chester from Linkin Park. I'm also not totally sold on the "counter" vocals on the bridge. And one more thing. I would like to hear the spoken word part on the end come in sooner...Got it, MFK?
Oh yeah. A version of Wake Darker Skies will be comin at you very very shortly.
Wow!, i really like the V2 vocal performance. I think that the new counter vocals in the bridge sound fantastic, they really bring in a lot more life and create a good climax, and the harmony's on the outro are silky smooth
As for the screams.... the idea is great and possibly should be kept, but maybe not introduced so early. Atm they sound very obnoxious and out of place. The screams seem to start of a little sharp of A# which sounds kind of weird. I think they would probably sound a little better if the lower G was screamed, it'd be worth a shot anyway.
also, nice vocal solo at the end.
Really???? Matt's new version really does it for me. I think he did a fantastic job.
Oh yeah. A version of Wake Darker Skies will be comin at you very very shortly.
As far as solos go. I agree with Splatt. However you have such wonderful tone and phrasing. It would be a damn shame if you didn't bust out some leads here and there. It wouldn't kill you. Think about the solo on Dev's Deadhead. That fucker rules!!!
Ok, on a quick study break I took out the shitty screaming part at the end did some other minor tweaks. Better? (Its the same link, I just replaced the file)