New masterplan album


Oct 24, 2006
Guaymas, Mexico
And so it leaked, oh my sweet lord, this album kicks all sorts of asses, It's melodic waaay beyond.

This is going to be one of the best releases of 2010 IMO, a must buy for me.

And maybe i'm going to get burned in this next statement, I think Jorn's voice belongs to Masterplan.
Leaked? You can actually but the thing at several vendors..... I got my copy over a week ago....

There's some really good stuff on here, but I still feel like these guys have never quite hit their potential. I somehow just expect MORE from Roland Grapow as a songwriter than what I hear......

That being said, the return of Jorn instantly adds bonus points! He can do no wrong....
first thing I notice was lack of strong drumming, which for this band was essential over the last two albums. Kind of disappointed to be honest. It seems a bit rushed too

first thing I notice was lack of strong drumming, which for this band was essential over the last two albums. Kind of disappointed to be honest. It seems a bit rushed too


Not sure what type of drumming pyrotechnics you were expecting? IMO Mike Terrana is a more than capable drummer, and while he does nothing spectacular on this album I would have to disagree with you when you say there is a lack of strong drumming. I believe Mike also played on the last album MKII.
I have heard some of it, not bad, but nothing is going to touch their first release IMO.
Re production, I have friends who have the japanese import and they said that the production is a bit weak. I have the European import and the production sounds fine.

What I will say is that the bonus track on the European version sucks. In a vacuum it might be an OK song--if you like Queen. However, after what I consider to be a consistently awesome track list of heavy melodic metal with Jorn's powerful dark voice, the bonus track comes like an unpleasant sledgehammer to the head and is totally out of place.
That's the problem...this band will never touch their first one again. Don't get me wrong, I love Masterplan, but that debut is a classic.


Though I think I prefer the debut by a hair, I thought Aeronautics was just about as good.

I can't help but be a little disappointed by this album. Don't get me wrong, I really like it, it's in my current top 10 for the year, but I somehow expected it to be... bigger. It's hard t explain, but it just seems a lot less catchy and anthemic than it should be.
it just seems a lot less catchy and anthemic than it should be.
That's the first thing I thought after listening to it. However, it's really growing on me and there are a lot of pieces sticking in my head after repeated listens. Still probably not quite as good as the first two, but I'm curious to see how I feel about it in six months.

Bear said:
first thing I notice was lack of strong drumming, which for this band was essential over the last two albums.
Huh, I thought the exact opposite...the drumming sounds better than MKII to me. Nothing earth-shattering, but I'll take tasteful drumming over excessive creativity any day of the week.