New Megadeth guitarist?

I've been reading that it's something to do with Germany. Not sure exactly how, some guy from Kreator or something like that?

I really thought someone on here might have some more info, normally I'm last to hear about shit like this.
Dave must be a real arsehole, he just can't keep a band together.
I've been reading that it's something to do with Germany. Not sure exactly how, some guy from Kreator or something like that?

I really thought someone on here might have some more info, normally I'm last to hear about shit like this.
Dave must be a real arsehole, he just can't keep a band together.

If it's a dude from Kreator, that might be pretty awesome. I'd like for him to announce this shit soon if it's true. Where have you been reading? Do you have a link to this source?
No one wants to keep company around Dave because he's a pompous dipshit.

It's reasonable to expect Hellhammer taking on all drumming duties?
Doesn't particularly matter I s'pose. I saw 'Deth this summer on the H&H tour and couldn't have told you who anybody else in the band was playing with Dave.
I got the info from the JCF (Jackson Charvel Forum). Some guy there seemed to know about it but wouldn't, or couldn't say too much.

If it IS someone from Kreator it won't be Mille. That's his band, he wouldn't leave, and I wouldn't want him to.

I couldn't care less for Marty rejoining - sure he played on the best true thrash album ever, RIP, but every other Deth album he did was average.
And I prefer Poland's solo stuff to TSHF.

So I don't really care who the new guy is, as long as he can shred a bit!
I don't see why he would stay if his brother goes.

Yeah..the brothers Drover also have thier own band going ( i think ) called Eidolon? They had the dude from Pagans Mind sing on thier last cd,it was pretty good.Maybe put all thier attention now on Eidolon?
I don't think its true, if Mustaine got rid of Glenn then he would have to get rid of Shaun too meaning he would have to get a new drummer. Im not impressed with Glenn thou, his solos are lame and he's just not a very impressive guitarist. I think it would be wise of Mustaine to bring in a new thrash wizard, or bring back some old members.