New Megadeth

Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
In case anyone still cares. I found Endgame to be pretty decent (for a post 90's Megadeth), but I don't really listen to it all that often. The latest sounds like it could potentially be better, and the title track sounds like a progression of a very slow mixture of songs off of RIP.

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sadly i gotta agree with krig, i've listened through a few times and it is quite boring. i had very very high hopes because i really liked endgame and thought it was a vicious return and full of energy, moreso than the system has failed (which was the last one i remotely liked after countdown), but sadly i was let down. neverdead and sudden death were the 2 that really caught me and those were recorded for products/videogames for fucks sake! everything else felt tame, the lyrics felt even more fucking ridiculous than usual, and there just wasn't any energy (though obviously the energy in endgame was just the product of awesome studio magic because live dave doesn't have that fire anymore at all).

i was seriously hoping for awesomeness, but instead i got 2-4 songs that are sick, a bunch of songs that are so boring i have no desire to listen to them again, and overall an attempted rehash that falls on its face due to lack of energy (hell, one of the riffs in new world order i think is basically a riff from hit the lights! ripping off riffs that old is fucking ridiculous).
I think the structure is way cool, i like it alot...stunning sure its not unusal but megabrain has always done that....
its absolutely not what I expected. I pre-ordered it back at mayhem fest and was excited to get it. It was a huge disappointment at first, but its grown on me i think
Song took 3 minutes to become just a tiny bit worthy of listening to. Not gonna bother with the rest of this album.
"Like a severed arm, washed on the shore, I just don't think I can give anymore." What is this, Linkin Park? I've never heard a Megadeth song I could stand and this is no different.
The guitar work is simpler and the songs are more midtempo, but therefore he finally discovered vocal melodies and harmonies again. So I totally compare it to Youthanasia; if you're one of the 50 people on planet earth, who actually liked that record, like I did, you'll also enjoy Thirteen, imho.
Endgame was really cool. I LOVED Youthanasia; it was heavy, melodic, and full of great songs. It was a very 90's record, and it's one of their best. Elysian Fields was awesome.

I haven't been impressed with what I've heard so far from the new album, but if you say it's very similar to Youthanasia, I think I'll dig it.
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to me its less like youthenasia(which I still love) and more like a faster RISK(which I like, but don't listen to often). Either way, I am looking forward to getting it in the mail and hearing it in the car.
well, I mean, Faster RISK as in the songs are stoopid simple(Sudden Death, Never Dead not included) and frankly a bit tame. But then again, I am not sure that anything can compare to the "CRUSH, CRUSH,CRUSH 'EM!" heard on risk. Shit, that was so damn heavy...
I'm not into it at all. The intro to Never Dead seemed cool. Then is got all generic Dave.

The System Has Failed was amazing, I thought Dave had hit a new stride. Then United Abominations came out. Blegh... Ever since then, I can't really give a crap about their new stuff. I love Megadeth, they're my favorite band, even Risk, but... These last 3 albums haven't been worth a damn to me.