New Megadeth

I am a big fan of every Megadeth album except for Risk, but the new album is just so boring, ugh.

Every few years I think, "well maybe Risk isn't so bad, how could I possibly hate just one Megadeth album?" and then I listen to it, and yeah, it's that bad.

And I don't know what to call it but there's this one guitar lick on Breadline and the tone is identical to something on Queensryche's Hear In the Now Frontier, and it makes me angry that I was caused to think about that album too, both at once.
"Time, the beginning" is a really great song, but the rest of the record... I think their worst record was United Abominations though

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Hidden Treasures has some good stuff. So much heavier than this new crap

Pretty much everything on Peace Sells, So Far So Good and RIP was their best work. They had a few good songs here on there on the various albums and Countdown/Youthanasia were not bad albums at all, but those that came out prior were "Megadeth", just like before the Black album we had "Metallica".

Can you really list songs that came after RIP that were better than (I'm not arguing about Hidden Treasures having some good songs):

1. Holy Wars
2. Hangar 18
3. Go To Hell
4. Peace Sells
5. Hook In Mouth
6. The Conjuring
7. In My Darkest Hour
8. Lucretia
9. Polaris

All opinion, so 'better than' is subjective, but 'comparable'? YES.
Ashes In Your Mouth
A Secret Place
Burning Bridges
Kick The Chair
The name a few. I love those songs.
Rip is one of the greatest things ever recorded (an underestimation). When I was younger I actually didin't like Cte and Y so much, but today I would put them above Sfsgsw, maybe even before Ps, the vocal hooklines are just unbelievable, though the songs are slower.
ive been saying for fifteen years that megadeth sucks and lucky for me the band keeps validating my claim every time they release a record. is broderick still in this band? where is his wizardry?
oh and the gay title is so nu metal is sucks. reminds me of ReVolVER or whatever the fuck it was. hail the old school. fuck this shit.

Do you mean this?

Rip is one of the greatest things ever recorded (an underestimation). When I was younger I actually didin't like Cte and Y so much, but today I would put them above Sfsgsw, maybe even before Ps, the vocal hooklines are just unbelievable, though the songs are slower.

I kind of agree with that sentiment. Overall Countdown and Youthanasia were better albums as a whole, but it's just the shift in style that I didn't really like, and still don't. They really tried to emulate Metallica's success on the Black album. It's too bad Dave just does not have the vocal capacity to do slower songs or anything other than anger and bitterness.
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