New Megadeth

Mr. Mustaine's pipes brought up some amazing hooklines in the early 90s, so I like his singing. But I totally understand, that his voice can be annoying to some people.
dave himself acknowledges the fact that he's not the greatest singer. I believe he compares his voice to two cats fucking or fighting.
No, I'm saying I find it strange that people are so outright hateful towards Daves voice when one of their own favorites is blasted just the same. If I liked one but hated another, I'd be a little more understanding to the people that like both.

(This isn't meant to be a huge statement, let's not start a war.....)

This logic doesn't make any sense.

Hey, I like blue, you like red, but hey they are both colors so we can't like one OR the other! As the viking said, Dave doesn't sing, he whines (and snarls). People have an issue with Warrel going off key, intentional or not; but neither of their skill levels for singing are even close to the same ballpark. So because some people don't like a vocalist I like, I'm supposed to have empathy for all of the vocalists I can't stand that some people do like? Uhhh....

Just like I can't stand scremo, black or most death vocals yet I'll listen to some of the bands in those genres. Dave didn't bother me until the Countdown era and it grew progressively worse album after album.

Mr. Mustaine's pipes brought up some amazing hooklines in the early 90s, so I like his singing. But I totally understand, that his voice can be annoying to some people.

Can you imagine him actually trying to sing this song in his current style? Ugh!

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But he doesn't really sing...he just kinda snarls and that's what's cool. Are you gonna tell me that Tom Araya is a good singer? He sounds like a monotone dog that learned how to speak and constantly barks at the same rate, the same tone, and the same timbre.

Which is why I hate Slayer even more.

I just can't get past poor vocals, no matter how good the music is.
The only Slayer album I can stand listening all the way through is Reign in Blood. Seasons and South of Heaven have a few songs I really like, but in general I never was a huge Slayer fan. I also absolutely loath the solos. Some call them genius, but they sound like the random, completely improvised and awful Primus soloing.
lol @ Slayer "solos"...I'm with you on that one.

I'll just leave this here.

Epic vocals are epic.
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Peace Sells is one of the greatest fucking metal songs of all time. Every time it starts and that riff kicks in some part of my body will be rockin out no matter what. It's also the one thing I hate about seeing Megadeth live now, Dave just cannot sing it (and other songs) like it's meant to be. Obviously sometimes he's really really on and it sounds ok but most of the time it just gets butchered; I still love seeing Megadeth because they usually have some cool setlist change/some old rare song I haven't heard and am super stoked to see live but I realllyyy wish he could sing/have the attitude on stage that he had back in the day (Metallica still puts on a great show and sounds great to this day).

Hell, when I saw them in 2004 compared to now they were still fucking amazing back then (they did set the world on afire and it was SWEET AS FUCK) but now he's really lost a lot of it and it's a huge shame.
edit: god damn, just thinking about that made me throw on So far so good so what and now i'm rocking the fuck out and air guitaring occasionally to set the world afire, megadeth were the kings of fast, furious, vicious, technical, awesome thrash fucking metal.
You can never go wrong with Solitude Aeturnus. I would love to see them live again!

Yet haters are gonna hate on Argus, which has huge strains of SA (And Maiden, but now that's just redundant) through it. :guh:
I remember the first time I head Into the Depths in 91 or 92. It was one of the most depressing albums I'd heard and was ahead of the AIC/Tool curve.

The thing about Mustaine is that he was usually high as a kite in the old days, which is why he has the pseudo (but not nearly as bad) wasted Ozzy sound going on with his voice. He stopped doing such hardcore drugs (maybe all drugs completely) and let up on the drinking. You can hear that his voice really did "improve" after that, but the problem is that he also lost a lot of his spirit/angst or whatever you want to call it and tried to straddle the fence of both mainstream and underground.

lol @ Slayer "solos"...I'm with you on that one.

They really did have some badass riffing and drumming though.


He should either cut that awful ZZ Top beard down to size or braid it.
Sdrawkcabgniklat, you've misunderstood my point very drastically. The point was you would think people would calm down a bit on the hate, given that they've more than likely experienced it on their end.

For instance, when one of your good friends says something incredibly stupid, which is likely, and you want to call him a flaming idiot, but you don't, because you more than likely say really dumb shit all the time as well and get blasted for it, so you just politely correct him instead? Similar situation.

This was not meant to get taken this far though, it was mostly a joke. I understand perfectly well why someone would hate his vocals, just as I understand perfectly well why someone would hate Warrels. I, myself, love them both. That's the glory of this world. (The real world, not the internet)
Sdrawkcabgniklat, you've misunderstood my point very drastically. The point was you would think people would calm down a bit on the hate, given that they've more than likely experienced it on their end.

You must have missed this:

So because some people don't like a vocalist I like, I'm supposed to have empathy for all of the vocalists I can't stand that some people do like?

As for calling a friend a flaming idiot, the reason I don't do it isn't because I know what it's like to be on the receiving end. I don't, because I'm not an asshole. Although that doesn't stop me from correcting them (you're still calling them an idiot though...). You're also discussing opinions, which is why you aren't making any sense. I prefer Dave's old vocals, don't mind most of them later on, but absolutely dislike his whiney/emo singing on certain songs.
He recorded Rust in Peace! R U S T I N P E A C E! He could record an album full of farm animal noises, and he still would be amazing.
Sdrawkcabgniklat, I wasn't even talking about you, so we're wasting out time on this.

And yeah, Henneman writes all the best stuff in Slayer. (I really like much Slayer, though.)