New Megadeth

It had been a few months since I'd actually listened to any Megadeth prior to a friend announcing the new album to me, and I've been listening to all of their albums again on repeat. Yeah, RIP > Peace Sells > So Far So Good > everything else. However, I rememembed Endgame being a suprise, just not something I kept listening to after about six weeks. It's actually really fucking good, although it does have it's fair share of stupid lyrics ("The roaches licked the cupboards clean of TV dinners and beer" gets my vote for dumbest Megadeth lyrics of all time). 44 Minutes is a pretty good song too, but with some atrocious lyrics. The soloing on the album is also the most memorable since RIP (the only thing that ever stood out to me past that was Trust...which was the best song they had written past anything from Countdown/Youthanasia up until Endgame).


When I heard this song for the first time, my mind was blown. It was like, what the hell is this, a solo? Who is this band trying to sound like, Megadeth or something? The original mix is so much better than the Remaster too, same thing with RIP/Peace Sells. The solo isn't what made the song was just a great song even without it, which was rare during that era.
He doesn't write any solos. The "Chromatic Scale" is literally any random note you want.

Nope. The chromatic scale uses all 12 notes, but that doesn't mean it's random. It's still a scale with a key center and 12 usable intervals that refer to the root note. Different to 12 tone music, that tries to completely get rid of a key center; though all 12 notes are used, it's not a chromatic scale (Slayer solos are definitely not 12 tone music, since their music got a root note, mostly E).

Anyway: Most slayer solos are more sound effects than actual notes, that can be seen within the context of a scale. Though I'm not a big fan of it, I must admit, that I can't imagine the Slayer sound with "real" solos.
Though I'm not a big fan of it, I must admit, that I can't imagine the Slayer sound with "real" solos.


I think this is close to a solo (4:00 onward) compared to everything else they usually do, and it's actually pretty good. Imagine Denner/Sherman taking over for that section though... It's not really that different from Iced Earth. Shaffer seems to be incapable of adding a lead guitarist for solos anymore, because I guess he was sick of being upstaged after Burnt Offerings/Something Wicked. Their songs were better on those albums because of it.
yep 'real' solos and tom araya actually sings oh my!

Seasons is probably my favorite Slayer album overall, it doesnt have all my favorite songs, but it is consistently awesome and interesting start to finish, which you cant say about all their albums. everyone always screams RiB! and while Angel of Death and Raining Blood are definitely two of their best songs, there are a lot of songs in between them lacking interesting riffs and ideas, just speed/aggression.

I think this is close to a solo (4:00 onward) compared to everything else they usually do, and it's actually pretty good. Imagine Denner/Sherman taking over for that section though... It's not really that different from Iced Earth. Shaffer seems to be incapable of adding a lead guitarist for solos anymore, because I guess he was sick of being upstaged after Burnt Offerings/Something Wicked. Their songs were better on those albums because of it.

What?! Ralph fucking Santolla was on Glorios Burden - as shitty as an album as it was, it had some terrific solos. As did Horror Show as well (Dragons Child, for example).

Shitty song, great solo. But solo's was never an IE deal anyways.
to each his own but i still think RiB is their best album. Seasons is good but has more filler whereas RiB is amazing all the way through. I wouldn't consider one song on there filler and the sheer aggression from the start to the finish is part of what makes it great; there aren't many albums that can keep that energy going from the first song to the end and when i listen to RiB i listen from start to finish, with their others i skip a few. I think that aggression for the time was pretty intense and really does set it apart because it doesn't follow that pattern of having heavy songs, fast songs, slow songs, then back to heavy etc, it just keeps going and crushing.

Seasons may have more technical riffs and diversity but that's what puts it in a different league all together than RiB. I don't just like it because of the 2 famous songs (though i know many do), but every song on there has awesome riffs and unrelenting drive. I guess when it comes to Seasons vs RiB people think the same thing but of opposite albums haha
Peace Sells is pretty terrible, even musically speaking. I've never considered Megadeth a heavy metal band. They're a rock band. There's something totally missing in all of their albums that would let me classify them as heavy metal. The album isn't that good. I mean, Metallica released Master of Puppets the same year, and just try to compare the two albums. You'll see that you can't; there's literally no comparison. The attitude, aggression, song writing, melodies, riffs...everything on MOP is superior in every single way. Everything.
Megadeth's riffing, leads and drum parts on Peace Sells were leaps and bounds beyond what Metallica was doing on MoP; it's just that MoP was much more accessible to the average ear. It had more hooks than PS.

As songs go, I think MoP is better. However, as aggression and impressive musicianship goes, I'm gonna have to go with PS.

Megadeth is a serious musician's band, while Metallica is a headbanger's band.

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What?! Ralph fucking Santolla was on Glorios Burden - as shitty as an album as it was, it had some terrific solos. As did Horror Show as well (Dragons Child, for example).

Shitty song, great solo. But solo's was never an IE deal anyways.

Yeah sorry, I must have forgotten since they were so sparse or something. I don't know, I just remember after SW it was like "where the hell did all of the solos go?". Say what you want about Burnt Offerings being a "Master of Puppets lift" or whatever people want to say, but it had not only some great riffs, some very memorable leadwork. Especially the last song, which is still one of their best.

Peace Sells is pretty terrible, even musically speaking. I've never considered Megadeth a heavy metal band. They're a rock band. There's something totally missing in all of their albums that would let me classify them as heavy metal. The album isn't that good. I mean, Metallica released Master of Puppets the same year, and just try to compare the two albums. You'll see that you can't; there's literally no comparison. The attitude, aggression, song writing, melodies, riffs...everything on MOP is superior in every single way. Everything.

I have no idea what is wrong with your ear, but you may need to get that checked out. Besides that, Mustaine co-wrote quite a bit of the material from the first two Metallica albums, and also keeps taking credit for the "spider riff" on MoP. I've always said MoP is one of my favorite albums, but I can't honestly say it's better than Peace Sells, although I can say it's much better than So Far So Good. It's definitely not better than RIP, but both are great so it doesn't matter. Also, talking about how Megadeth had better drumming isn't really setting the bar high. Lars did nothing for Metallica as a person playing an instrument. His main contributions were helping with the arrangements. I never gushed over James Hetfield's vocals, but he had Mustaine beat pretty soundly in this area.
well through al this gay dribble I did manage to find this...epic scream starts at 2:36.

Really? What makes you think that? How so?

His song structures and riffing were much more intricate and complex on Peace Sells. Again, that doesn't mean every song was better, because Master of Puppets was so strong BECAUSE every song on that album is amazing. Peace Sells wasn't as complete an album as MoP, but one could say it was a bit more heady in its musicianship.

The problem with that is that it doesn't always appeal to everyone's ears. The production wasn't as good as it was on MoP and songs like Black Friday, Wake Up Dead, The Conjuring, and My Last Words weren't as appealing to the casual ear as much as the 4/4, in-your-face, anthemic songs like Damage, Inc, Battery, and Orion. From a songwriting perspective, those songs have one up on Peace Sells because they're so perfect. Orion is the most beautiful song they've ever written. That album is crushingly heavy but surprisingly simple at the same time, and that's why people love it. Peace Sells was more of the "elitist metal snob" album of that time simply because Dave and co. were doing things and experimenting in ways that was above and beyond anything the other big four were doing. Peace Sells is almost a jazz/thrash album; I mean that in the way how Mustaine was composing at the time. It was much less straightforward and aside from Peace Sells, the album wasn't really that catchy.

He wrote this album with showing the world how much better musicians they were than Metallica, but Dave never realized that the general public don't listen to music in the same way that most musicians do. Simple, catchy riffing with good production will be taken over intricate, complex, and unorthodox song structures any day by the average fan. Also, I don't think Megadeth really got into good production until Countdown. That's one thing Metallica understood that Dave just never got, and that was the power of crunch. While Dave was saying, "Look at this amazing song I've written and look at all it's intricacies and complexity!", Metallica were saying, "Look at this E minor riff I play over and over again! Isn't it heavy and awesome?"...and everyone flocked to Metallica because they wrote amazingly catchy and awesome songs back then.

And that essentially is the difference between the two. Metallica was always catchier and more fun, but Megadeth was more of a mystery.
Yeah I love Dave's voice on Peace Sells. It's seething with anger and hate and bitterness.

This was awesome. It had great energy and great dynamics. The gang vocals at the end are epic.

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Am I the only one that loves The System Has Failed? So good... That gave me hope that Megadeth would have another amazing run. Clearly, I as wrong, but that album still kicks ass. Maybe in my top 3! (of Megadeth)

Also, I agree that Megadeth is much more technically impressive, while Metallica is the bee's knees as far as songwriting goes. Dave caught up pretty close, but the first 5 Metallica records are the blueprint for excellent song writing. I don't think Megadeth quite hit their stride until RIP. (But there are a few EXCELLENT songs on the first 3, for sure)