New Megadeth

every time i listen to megadeth i'm always disappointed that what i'm hearing isn't as cool as the Tornado of Souls solo.

mustaine's vocals and lyrics have always bugged the hell out of me, too. both are very overblown and off-putting
every time i listen to megadeth i'm always disappointed that what i'm hearing isn't as cool as the Tornado of Souls solo.

So then listen to that song by Megadeth called Tornado of Souls. :)

mustaine's vocals and lyrics have always bugged the hell out of me, too. both are very overblown and off-putting

They didn't bother me at all pre Countdown. They were nothing stellar, but they were "good enough" for the genre and he actually sounded ok in the past. It's just when he started trying to actually sing instead of just talk emotionally, it became really stupid. But hey, at least he doesn't sound like Ozzy.

Not overblown or offputting (to me anyway)

Completely overblown and retarded (aka the current vocal style)
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It still baffles me how people go on about how they like Megadeth's riffs but they can't get into the vocals, especially when there hasn't been a decent mainstream metal singer (not screamer) in years aside from maybe Mastodon. Power metal doesn't count because everyone sings the same way.

And before you jump into my ass about it, remember I said MAINSTREAM.
after a few listens, the new album has some really cool moments on it. i definitely hear some The World Needs A Hero on it, as well as some countdown. but anyway, the point is, I like it.
I find it odd that on the Nevermore forum people say they could never get into Dave's vocals and call them outright terrible, when the same thing is said about Warrel pretty regularly by non-Nevermore fans. You'd think people here would be a little more understanding on that matter. :lol:

(I love them both, BY THE WAY)
So you're saying it's hard to believe that a few people might not like one band's vocals, and another few people might not like another band's vocals?
No, I'm saying I find it strange that people are so outright hateful towards Daves voice when one of their own favorites is blasted just the same. If I liked one but hated another, I'd be a little more understanding to the people that like both.

(This isn't meant to be a huge statement, let's not start a war.....)
No, I'm saying I find it strange that people are so outright hateful towards Daves voice when one of their own favorites is blasted just the same. If I liked one but hated another, I'd be a little more understanding to the people that like both.

(This isn't meant to be a huge statement, let's not start a war.....)

Just because a lot of people don't like Warrel means it's strange for me to hate Dave? wut
I just meant you'd think people would be a little less abrasive with their opinions on the matter since they've probably experienced the same thing. But I know, it's the internet, I know. So, yeah, forget it. :Smug:
No, I'm saying I find it strange that people are so outright hateful towards Daves voice when one of their own favorites is blasted just the same. If I liked one but hated another, I'd be a little more understanding to the people that like both.
Well, I'm understanding to people who like Mustaine's vocals (though I often wonder if they aren't deaf), but that doesn't mean I have to like them. If you like Mustaine's singing, then good for you, but he's a god-awful singer :lol:
But he doesn't really sing...he just kinda snarls and that's what's cool. Are you gonna tell me that Tom Araya is a good singer? He sounds like a monotone dog that learned how to speak and constantly barks at the same rate, the same tone, and the same timbre.
haha I actually agree, but I love Araya's vocals. He goes nuts, especially live, and it just adds an even greater sense of urgency to the already frantic, balls to the wall thrash that they play.
Yeah don't get me wrong...I luv me sum Slayur. I just think that Mustaine's voice fits the music, just like Araya's. Araya is a terrible singer but it's perfect for the music.
Also, I don't think you're gonna see much wizardry from Broderick in Megadeth...the music doesn't call for it. I've seen Broderick with Nevermore live and he shreds like Loomis, believe me.

That said, I really don't like shredders and I don't like shredding but I have to give him props.