New Meshuggah track online!

Snorefest. At least that amp-rack vst thingamabob sounds allright, and Jens is fucking killing it.
Quite possibly the least interesting song I've ever heard.

It sounds like what you'd expect from a poor Meshuggah-imitation band.

Exactly how I feel about it. I kept listening thinking that it would get more interesting but it was mediocre at best. Hopefully this is the worst tune on the album.:guh:
Definitely sounds like Meshuggah, but there is something more direct about it. At least concerning this track. I like it though, heavy and "empty". I like how that noodling is carried through the verse at extremely low volumes, sort of tucked in there.
wasn't a huge fan of the song either.

i'm hoping there would be some chaotic pieces on the album, that's what i used to love about meshuggah when i was more into them
It sounds like what you'd expect from a poor Meshuggah-imitation band.

I would have to agree with this. It does sound rather uninspired coming from the Meshmeisters. Maybe it's a track there to appease the droves of new djent-heads? I would hope. I guess not *everything* they do can be groundbreaking, unfortunately.

wow, just heard a new borknagar track and i thought my day was made 'til i saw this. anyway, i think the new mesh' is sounding pretty sweet. pretty raw sounding for their standards (especially the drums; glad they're not triggered this time) but thats fine; rawness kicks ass, and it adds to the atmosphere
I love that drum sound. Guitars are also pretty cool sounding as well. Jens fucking kills it. Song is okay, but I've got a feeling there will be much better on the album.
Guys, have you ever been in a restaurant with friends, say like a small bakery and they are like, "Get this doughnut duuuuuuuuuudddddeeeeee. It will change your life, these doughnuts are way ahead of their time, and there is nothing like these doughnuts." and you look them in the eye try to see if they are serious, because you think there is no way they can possibly be serious. It probably wasn't good to leave these idiots to their own devices, cause they've managed to indoctrinate themselves into some crazy, extreme way of thinking from being couped up with each other for so long. But they have this look in their eye like a crazy man who lost his wife and children in a housefire back east and he is gonna blow up this entire hillside with TNT because fuck it. California Gold Rush Bitches. So you pay for the doughnut, and it tastes like every other doughnut the shop has ever made. Sure, it's a good doughnut and you can enjoy it, but it's pretty much the exact same thing you've had a hundred times before. All your friends are looking at you all smug like and one of them says, "This doughnut has been copied by other bakeries for the past six years man, but the original is back and BETTER THAN EVER! YESSSSS. No one else prepares the dough and arranges the sprinkles like this. TRUE MASTERS. TRUE GENIUS." and you just look back and say, "Honestly I can't tell the difference."

Not that this has anything to do with Meshuggah mind you...
The 8th guitar string is just killing my beloved Meshuggah. There's a point where it just doesn't sound cool or heavy anymore, just incredibly annoying.
I loved there None EP. Destroy Erase Improve is one of the best cd's ever. I enjoyed stuff from Caoshpere.

But the first time I heard songs from Nothing on a cd sampler handed out at Ozzfest I just scratched my head. They totally lost me.

This new song is not bad, but it doesn't fucking destroy you like the first time you put on DEI and blast it through your stereo. That is what I miss.
Possibly the most overrated band in the history of overrated bands. Never understood the hype.