New Meshuggah track online!

Öwen;10178015 said:
Possibly the most overrated band in the history of overrated bands. Never understood the hype.

a sOnic declaration of spite and resentment
its resonance grinding to dust our souls
the twine of reVEnge tightly stRung
its subhArmonics The undoing of all

and for thosE who ask for my name? / Dotcom
The song sustains the same pulse for too long IMO. It doesn't break up the grooves. There are glimpses of genius in there, but something about the way it's conveyed doesn't come across. I'm hoping for a bit more variety on the rest of the album. That said, I'm still excited, and I think over time this song will grow on me.

Similar sentiments about the mix as others. Snare's got too much of that cardboard 'The Apostasy' quality to it. Immediately gives the whole thing a 'demo-esque' quality. Meshuggah's arrangements have always left the snare hits very sparse. It's the perfect band to use a 'Dear Agony' or 'Black Gives Way to Blue' snare on. Yet they always opt for the popcorn instead.

Guitar high mids seem to eat into vocal space, so Jens' vox have been pushed to sound flat and very direct. Not enough delay and verb throws for me, especially given how well Jens' vocal lines lend themselves to that treatment. They sound very 'dead' in that one spot.

The low-end balancing at least seems pretty cool from what I can tell. It conveys the groove much better than obZen did.

Don't mean to sound like a nitpicking bitch, but being such a huge fan of the band, I usually have some very defined ideas of how I feel they should sound, yet it never seems to happen.
Will probably buy the album and it'll get played thrice and sat on a shelf for ten years. I actually bought Catch 33 about two months ago and haven't even spun it once yet. I was more a fan of Contradictions Collapse than anything else for a long time. Bought Chaosphere and sold it, bought Nothing and sold it....I tried many times over the years to get into them but ftmp can't and it isnt anything to do with the skill level or even the overall vibe of the music, it's just the constant low F or whatever brown note stuff that gets old. Seems monotonous and never really evolves into much else. Obzen had some cool faster parts I enjoyed.
I don't know about anyone else here, but I got the, "Lets ride this groove until it dies and then just a bit longer to string these idiots along. They'll still call it genius and still buy the album."

I was never big on Meshuggah, though I am respectful of what they have contributed to music in general. Maybe I just don't get it... no wait. I do.
Each time the guitars hit the drone note, there's a flubby (does that word exist ?) resonance in the low mids that is really annoying imo, especially cause its stereo ! It distracts me a lot.

The main riff was not good enough to make it a full song. Something is lacking for me, even in the instrumental parts. That's probably a filler song, they just wanted a quick buzz before the actual singles are released.
The main riff was not good enough to make it a full song. Something is lacking for me, even in the instrumental parts. That's probably a filler song, they just wanted a quick buzz before the actual singles are released.

Agreed. But even in this more drone song, the potential is oboously and some growth can be heard even if it's momentary. Can't wait for the whole album.
On the snare, it doesn't bother me enough but it's definitely a shadow of seems possible etc. Lots of space to give it real slap and snap etc.

First world problems haha :p
I absolutely LOVE it. Very intense and very groovy. Jens absolutely kills it, can't really comment that much on the production yet, but I think that the drums are awesome. Made my day, this is the perfect song to have playing when soldering patchbays :)
Haha, this comment from Reddit about the track:

Hey I tabbed it out for you guys:

:lol:, well I thought it was funny anyway. Not finding anything to really hate on with this new track, it's pretty boring but I actually dig the production compared to the last few releases.