New Meshuggah track online!

Well, this "medicore, uninspired snorefest of a song with cardboard snare" is currently going into it's tenth spin in a row over here. And I'm far from done with it... :)

Definitely loving the vibe and groove. Which is not surprising since one of my favourite Meshuggah songs is Closed Eye Visuals.
Also think the production sounds better than on ObZen.
While I have not been a rabid fan since D, E, I. I am quite liking this. The droning repetitive nature gives it a soothing quality while the tones deliver pure brutality. I really am thinking that's what the plan was on this. I am actually a big fan of that snare, I think it fits the looseness of the guitars perfectly in this song.

The groove is awesome, I love how between the first and second verses the accents on the guitars are flipped. I really love when these guys throw down a tight groove like this. I really like the drums on this a lot. Toms are big and fat. Loving the contrast between the snare and toms.

Sonically I dig it but lets hear a high quality version. I think it could only get better though.
Song is not bad. But it is certainly not Bleed. Remember your reaction when you heard that for the first time?



It was like:

Looks like it could be the spiritual successor to Catch33, possibly hinted at with the snakes on the logo.
Possibly a more atmospheric album than Obzen?
I think the production sounds killer! Song is kinda boring, but im sure the rest of the album will be full of face melters.
Each time the guitars hit the drone note, there's a flubby (does that word exist ?) resonance in the low mids that is really annoying imo, especially cause its stereo ! It distracts me a lot.

I actually totally dig that 'flub'. I heard abit of that on Molotov Solution's new CD. I think the 'flub' gives abit more raw/aggressive character to the guitars/bass. Because, if there was no 'flub', then the song itself would be more boring IMO. Kind of hard to explain. Maybe I like it because I've only heard that 'flubby string vibration' a couple of times...and they were on really good production albums(with 8-stringers), like this for example.
Pretty fucking boring song tbh. Dunno.... it just... i listen to it like 30 minutes ago ( after i already listened this morning ) and i already cant remember it. Nothing catchy, no real cool groove ...its "just there".
No groove? Really? I can't sit still while listening to it because it has such immense amounts of groove imo :)
The song sustains the same pulse for too long IMO. It doesn't break up the grooves. There are glimpses of genius in there, but something about the way it's conveyed doesn't come across. I'm hoping for a bit more variety on the rest of the album. That said, I'm still excited, and I think over time this song will grow on me.

Pretty much my EXACT thoughts on every Meshuggah release. I've tried really hard, but eventually this band just bores the shit out of me. Full respect for being amazing musicians and innovators, but I just can't quite get into it.

And I don't mind the snare all that much....
I love the licks in between the drone chuggas, these are groovy, but the repetitive riff is so repetitive it kills the groove to me.

I somewhat like the drums, though I agree the snare is too much cardboard sounding
To me it's as or more interesting than anything on Nothing or Catch33. Meshuggah is a band who's 90's catalog was so life altering for me that I stick with them and I felt like Obzen was positive step. I do wish they would go to a producer again though to make the most of the songs they're writing now. These slower repetitive songs are done a real disservice by flat productions which is immediately apparent to anyone who sees the band live.
I..I..must hold back..

I'll have to wait and see how the rest of the album pans out for a better judgment.