New metalcore clip for you all. What needs improved?

frick yeah dude. that sounds mad awesome. the snare sounds so thick and nice in my opinion, literally the only thing i could pick out was just play with velocities a bitt on the snare?
Thanks! The snare is 12a with a couple EQ tweaks (seriously, two) and a natural reverb. Agreed on the velocities man, that's something I don't realize until after I mixdown and upload it haha.

Other comments are more than welcome and much appreciated so please keep 'em comin.
Thanks guys for the kind words! I will turn up the variance in velocities in the EP version for sure haha. Anyone else notice anything or wanna chime in please do. All feedback and criticism is good not only for me but for other recordists (i hate that word haha) in the same position as me. One might even be lurking on this very thread o_O