Listen to the song "Pitch Black Progress" by Scar Symmetry, there's some really deep parts in there that sound awesome. Also on the note of articulation, you can understand almost everything that he sings for the most part in a lot of songs.
Thanx for the tip, il have to check out some more shit by Älvestam and maybe il change my opinion. I dont like Scar Symmetry at all tbh, too much happy tunes and clean cheesy vocals thats really bad, i cant stand it.
As for Paul Kuhr he has got some sick deep growl indeed, but his lack of flow and shreak is what disqualifies him for BB imo. Dont get me wrong i love ND, but i dont think he has the vocalrange and style for BB.
Did anyone ever consider Henri Villberg from Rapture?
I really wish that they have found some undiscovered tallent that we haven't heard before.
I didn't. I don't find him to be much of a growler really...
I didn't. I don't find him to be much of a growler really...