Not really -- they're kind of bland. Their new "album" has one song that's okay, in my opinion.
I think Death Breath are great, aspecially the Stinking Up The Night-album. All the tracks are brilliant and the ones on with Jörgen does the vocals are just mind blowing.

I also feel that they are a more autchenic "old school" death metal tribute than bloodbath (I'm awaiting the mob of dire hard BB-fans to gather round me :P ).
I think Repugnant is more authentic than both those bands. Epitome Of Darkness is "the" ultimate old school Swedish Death Metal album. I suggest getting it on vinyl...two times.
So im just gonna spin on these "shredder-news" posted by Anders.
If we say that Axe still is the drummer, and Mike is back on vocals, then the shredder surely is Fredrik Åkesson. 3 Opeth-members wich makes it 5 members and that means 5 tracks on the new minicd.

If its not them then the new growler also has to be a shredder and Mike isnt.
Or am i missing something?