New mix, opinions anyone?

I thought the guitar tone sounded perfect with the drums you used. The keyboards though sounded a little to loud. Like the were sitting on the songs and not actually part of it.
Alrights. Im using misroslav philharmonic. Horns are new to me so Ill have to do some research and straighten them out. Dont really like some samples on my SSD but they are passable. As for the cymbals, ill recheck them. Im gonna reamp the bass differently also. I hope that one day it could have vocals, but they are insane, like 8 octave shit.
Are the horns really that up front still? At that section it was a different synth, not a sampler. I could use some tips for these horns at this point, I havent been able to find any resources on how to get them to sit better.

I did apply some EQ, it is hipassed near the midrange, slight boost near the top for some air, and a little reverb. Im gonna check out panning options in the sampler to see if I can break the horns up.
Well it is a powermetal song, written by Wojtek Lisicki from Luciferion, and with the vocals its pretty epic. And I think that is what the album is about, Highlander, more or less. Youtube link
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