Anyone keen to Re-Amp/Mix/Master an album? (Technical Death) Song Inc.

alright, here's my version:

tell me what you like/dislike about the mix, so i can tailor it more to your preferences if you wish :)

i have to say though, the vocals were really difficult to mix. as a word of advice, try to be more aware of your levels. they were really quiet for the most part, and the sorta spoken sounding intro/middle section was waaaaaaaaay lower than everything else. try adjusting your mic preamp gain inbetween should be aiming for around -6 dbfs peak level, and not go much quieter than like -15dbfs. also, as others already pointed out the vocal sound wasn't the best and required a lot of processing to get into the ballpark.
what's your vocal recording chain?

guitar DIs were fine. i didn't have any real problems or something....maybe also a bit on the quiet side. some bad edits on the bass DI too, try to pay more attention to proper crossfading :)

and last but not least, dude that song is rocking. i love death metal, especially the technical stuff, and you guys did a great job. reminds me of beneath the massacre at times, but with more laid back almost ambientish sections. loving it man, really cool stuff. thanks for sharing!
Hey there, I just signed up to UltimateMetal so I can say what an awesome job everyone has done with Hyperion. I can't stop listening to your mixes! Really impressed. There is alot of talent in these forums.

Does anyone have a personal favourite out of all these mixes?

Mikey - Zerstiren
alright, here's my version:

tell me what you like/dislike about the mix, so i can tailor it more to your preferences if you wish :)

i have to say though, the vocals were really difficult to mix. as a word of advice, try to be more aware of your levels. they were really quiet for the most part, and the sorta spoken sounding intro/middle section was waaaaaaaaay lower than everything else. try adjusting your mic preamp gain inbetween should be aiming for around -6 dbfs peak level, and not go much quieter than like -15dbfs. also, as others already pointed out the vocal sound wasn't the best and required a lot of processing to get into the ballpark.
what's your vocal recording chain?

guitar DIs were fine. i didn't have any real problems or something....maybe also a bit on the quiet side. some bad edits on the bass DI too, try to pay more attention to proper crossfading :)

and last but not least, dude that song is rocking. i love death metal, especially the technical stuff, and you guys did a great job. reminds me of beneath the massacre at times, but with more laid back almost ambientish sections. loving it man, really cool stuff. thanks for sharing!

Hey dude, thanks so much for taking the time to mix / comment, I appreciate your advice too. :)

I am fairly new to Recording and Mixing so my apologies for the quality of the Vocals / Bass. I've learned a hell of a lot from this thread over the past week and intend to do a much better job next time..

Vocals are going right into my M-Audio Profire 2626 (which i think has a built in preamp) but the quality of mic i used was poor and didn't use a pop filter... So yeah, fixing that for next time. :)

As for your mix dude it's really really good, apart from a few of the cymbals miss matched (but you couldn't have known that) i think there is a splash instead of a crash and a crash instead of a ride somewhere... Sorry i can't be more helpful, everyone's mixes on here are great! 100x better than mine, so its really hard for me to offer constructive criticism. :(
Anyway dude, Despite the quality i hope it was fun to mix!!

Thanks also for the kind words about the music! :)

Cheers!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
Hey dude, thanks so much for taking the time to mix / comment, I appreciate your advice too. :)

I am fairly new to Recording and Mixing so my apologies for the quality of the Vocals / Bass. I've learned a hell of a lot from this thread over the past week and intend to do a much better job next time..

Vocals are going right into my M-Audio Profire 2626 (which i think has a built in preamp) but the quality of mic i used was poor and didn't use a pop filter... So yeah, fixing that for next time. :)

As for your mix dude it's really really good, apart from a few of the cymbals miss matched (but you couldn't have known that) i think there is a splash instead of a crash and a crash instead of a ride somewhere... Sorry i can't be more helpful, everyone's mixes on here are great! 100x better than mine, so its really hard for me to offer constructive criticism. :(
Anyway dude, Despite the quality i hope it was fun to mix!!

Thanks also for the kind words about the music! :)

Cheers!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy


well, regarding the mismatched cymbals etc, i'm using SSD3.0, and tbh most of the cymbals appeared to be mapped just fine, that's why i didn't get suspicious.

regarding the vocals: i really suggest you get a large diaphragm condenser, something like the Rode NT-1A or better, together with a pop filter. ever since i got my LDC i was amazed just how much more mix ready my vocals were. with sm58 handheld you always get a lot of noise and a weird frequency response that requires a lot of EQ (imho)....with the condenser it's really just a matter of hipassing some LF rumble out, and maybe a few dips around harsh frequencies, that's it.
the profire 2626 should be fine. just pay more attention to your levels next time :)

anyways, is there anything you might want different?
Can you export just your cymbal track to compare to so I can make sure I map the cymbals right?
regarding the vocals: i really suggest you get a large diaphragm condenser, something like the Rode NT-1A or better, together with a pop filter.

the profire 2626 should be fine. just pay more attention to your levels next time :)

I agree, it's definitely worth it to get a large diaphragm condenser. Audio Technica makes some great cheaper ones too. If you do get one, try to make sure you record vocals in a room where you pick up as little of the actual sound of the room as you can, or put up blankets or something at least. If you have any unfinished rooms, they would work really well. And like mentioned previously, NO CUPPING THE MIC (though this probably wouldn't be an issue if you did get a LDC.)
Apart from ur tempo Issues dude, this sounds awesome!!!

I use reaper to edit the drums/tempo's so something might have gone wrong there :(

First tempo is 145
Second is 135
next part i think is 250 (needed to set it as this cause the click was better for our drummer)
Then its just 125

Hopefully you give it another crack :D!

Thanks d00d!

I think i know where i fucked up with the tempo.
Will make a new and better mix next week.
Used a rectoclonepedal with impulses, but next week i will reamp through my Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp/Peavey 60-60 (6L6)/V30 cabinet and record the stuff with a Cascade fathead ribbon mike. Will sound a lot better.
Also will use a drum-preset i used on some of Ola's songs (the Mixing time-topics).