Anyone keen to Re-Amp/Mix/Master an album? (Technical Death) Song Inc.


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2009
¯\(°_o)/¯ How do mix techdeath?

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone here has some time to give this track a go?

I've been learning as much as i can from these forums and trying my hardest to get a good mix that i am truly happy with.
But have so far come up with only average sounding mixes... :(

We have about 1/2 the tracking done for the album and i'm just looking to hire someone who actually knows what they are doing to re-amp/mix/master it.

I have spent a lot of time on the tracking and getting it tight, so hopefully it is up to standard.

Included are:

2 x Guitar Tracks
Lead Track
Bass Track
2 x Vocal Tracks
And Drum Midi

Heres a Mix i did today (again not very happy with it, couldn't get the vocals right).. But you can get the general idea of what i am trying to achieve. >_<

And here are the sound files: (fixed guitar tracks)

Hopefully someone here can help this band from lil' old New Zealand! (we are technologically challenged down here!) :D

Thanks. You guys are amazing!! :worship:
I dunno dude, its a tapping section so i guess it loses a wee bit of balls, wasn't that noticeable for me :(

Apart from that tho dude, its sounding great already :)
got some problems with the guitars left and right...did sounds to me as if you exported he same track 2 times, but on with less volume?
got some problems with the guitars left and right...did sounds to me as if you exported he same track 2 times, but on with less volume?

Hey man, i assure you they are 2 separate tracks, yeah one came out a little quieter than the other one, i think it was just pickups on the other guitar, so i just had to + the db on one of the tracks by about 2.
man the guitars are realy wierd - id suggest you to re-track them with same guitar.. and they out of gain and realy wierd..
same with vocals - realy silent..

any how I did realy quick mix - it has alot of mistakes and un-finished things because I need to start studying

edit : updated the link with more improvments
hmmm yeah okay, i'll re-track the quieter guitar track now with more gain... sorry dunno what happened there, i'll update the link as soon as ive finished.

I realize you guys cant polish a turd, so i'll keep trying to make it better to work with! D:
hmmm yeah okay, i'll re-track the quieter guitar track now with more gain... sorry dunno what happened there, i'll update the link as soon as ive finished.

I realize you guys cant polish a turd, so i'll keep trying to make it better to work with! D:

good idea, i dunno what went wrong there.
maybe something went wrong with the doubletracking...
good idea, i dunno what went wrong there.
maybe something went wrong with the doubletracking...

Haha you were right, i did send 2 of the same track. No idea how that happened. Anyway link is updated, everything should be fine now. :)