new mix room

James Murphy said:
actually sinking a lot of $ into the room. floating floor, floating the walls on resilent channelling. the insulation will be replaced with Mineral wool fiber.. cover that with MDF, then soundblock sheeting, the R-channel, and drywall.. that will cover the sound transmission aspect of the walls.. then i have plans for the internal acoustics of the room. more on all this as it unfolds.

That sounds awesome. My new rooms have R-19 + 4" of mineral wool fiber minimum in all the walls and the ceiling. The tracking room in on RC, but the control room is not at this point (no $$$). I also have a false ceiling 12" from the real ceiling to act as a bass trap. The construction should be done in 2 months (it's been since June '04 so far) so I'm really looking forward to it.

Keep us up to date on the progress and some build pictures!
James Murphy said:
it's been over 2 years since i needed or accepted any donations.
thats awesome james. i hope things continue to go well for you. the room sounds like it will kick ass. whats with the safehouse? is the mix room in your home for lower budget projects or do you just plan on the safehouse being booked alot? i cant wait to be able to build a high quaulity mix room. its goona be cool to see the progress of the build. thanx for sharing:rock: .
Killer James! You double rocking the drywall? When I was working we did many studios in Chicago. Some triple rock each side to the deck, with 5 1/2 metal track (normal is 3 1/2)!!!!!!!! Sound PROOF!!! When finished they had a drummer in a room next to us going beserk! Couldn't feel or hear a thing!:kickass:

Good Luck Man!

Dissimilar wall materials, R-Channel & mineral wool is definitley the way to go. You might even want to try 2 layers on top of the R-Channel. Just be sure to seal every joint with acoustic caulk. (the sticky black shit)

Best of luck with it!

James Murphy said:
it's been over 2 years since i needed or accepted any donations.

I'm so stoked for you man! I remember how worried I was when I first got the news about your illness. You've made an amazing recovery both in terms of your health and your career! :kickass::rock:
James Murphy said:
the 192 converters are fine with a Big Ben... hell, they're fine with the Digidesign Sync.. but i wanted to take a step up.

Man, that Big Ben makes a HUGE difference in the performance of the 192's. The Digi Sync is ok, but that Big Ben really shines with the 192. Some of my pals back home are raving about some other word clock (I forgot the name), but it's made by the guy who made the Rosendahl stuff. They did a blind A/B and said that this other unit beat the Big Ben hands down. The Big Ben still kicks ass regardless.

So, are you doing this to avoid having to drive to the Safe Room on days when you just have to mix? Just wondering because your big room looks like a great place to work.
metalkingdom said:
Some of my pals back home are raving about some other word clock (I forgot the name), but it's made by the guy who made the Rosendahl stuff. They did a blind A/B and said that this other unit beat the Big Ben hands down. The Big Ben still kicks ass regardless.

You're probably thinking about the Anetelope OCX (or some set of letters...). I *think* it's the replacement for the Aardsync II.
Matt Crooks said:
You're probably thinking about the Anetelope OCX (or some set of letters...). I *think* it's the replacement for the Aardsync II.

Yep, that's it.
Please tell me that while you have your new mix room gutted like that, you're planning on adding central air. Would be a shame to hear that noisy window unit in the background of your mixes.
you didn't read my posts fully before you posted bro. i have central hvac and the window unit is old and not used. it's being taken out. ;)
most of the new gear arrived a day early, so i went out to orlando and picked it up.