New Music You Just Discovered


Nov 1, 2012
Inspired by SGD's idea of creating a thread like this, I went ahead and did so.

This isn't Metal, but this is a band that I recently discovered that has some very interesting music (albeit being over 40 years old).


I didn't know which song to pick, so here's the full album I guess.

What cool new (to you) bands did you just discover?
Good idea for a thread. Can is one of those bands I've heard in passing for a while now, but have yet to commit to a proper listening of.

Heard about Nomenclature Diablerie on another forum, some kvlt 80s metal band featuring Sadistik Exekution's Sloth. Apparently only a two-song demo exists, but on first listen it's really good stuff that kind of flirts with all the early extreme metal sounds as well as a bit of trad metal melody.
Oh my goodness this thread is gonna be my new home. You assholes thought I posted a lot of albums in the other thread... LOL

Well like I said there, The Lion's Daughter had a collab album (not a split) with folk rock Indian Blanket and turned out A Black Sea, which is one of the best things I've heard in years.

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Here's a good one: Tides - Resurface.


Not quite post-rock, not quite post-metal. Just heavy and groovy, instrumental stuff.
Burst - Lazarus Bird

Discovered this album a number of months ago and would have to rate it close to a top 10 if not in there. I guess you could categorize it as a type of progressive metal, but it has influences all over the place and the songs come out that way (but still cohere well). The guitar work is excellent and the drumming complements the songs well.

Some may be put-off by the shout-type hardcore style vocals (I was a little a first) but the music's so good and after a few listens the vocals fit as well (there are also growls thrown in too). More melodic vocals come from another member which are used less but are an effective contrast to the lead singer.

The first track:
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I'm sure you'll drive this thread into the ground just like you're trying to do albums kicking your ass. I can't think of a possible scenario in which I want to listen to a 68 minute stoner instrumental.
I'm sure you'll drive this thread into the ground just like you're trying to do albums kicking your ass. I can't think of a possible scenario in which I want to listen to a 68 minute stoner instrumental.

Drive the thread into the ground that was started on my idea, LOL. I can't think of a possible scenario where I'd want to listen to thrash period, but I'm not menstruating about other people posting Vektor and Havok and Speedwolf and whatever else over and over and over.

The point here is that for people who just want to hear the same albums over and over can hang out in the other thread. This one is for discovery. Go ahead and stick in the old one. I'm sure the circlejerk of "DAE THINK THIS CLASSIC ALBUM KICKS ASS?" is terribly enlightening. :rolleyes:

New album today. Not a new band to me, but hey. New albums, does that count?

Lord Mantis - Death Mask
You already killed the thread.

Here's the part you don't get. I don't WANT this to be the "SGD posts a lot of posty bullshit" thread. I'm just doing that because that's what I happen to be digging through. It'd be super awesome if others would come in with other subgenres they're finding hidden gems in. Thrash, punk, folk, black, death, grind, crust, doom, whatever. I just get tired of people sticking in their zone of the same albums we've all heard a million times. Tell me what you've heard that's new to your ears, I don't CARE what subgenre it is.

For me, yes. I really like post. I just do. So that's what I'm finding.
For those who like ambient BM, this is really evil and really beautiful. Great collaboration.

Nychts & Mortualia - Nebelstern des Nichts

(Can't find a decent album cover art and don't feel like uploading one).
Got into Gentle Giant's s/t recently, badass stuff. I've been putting new metal bands on the back burner and spreading my horizons a bit.
I still haven't heard the S/T, but the Octopus through Power & the Glory run is amazing. Right now, my favorite progressive rock band.