New Nightwish date in Atlanta


Jun 24, 2002
Marietta, GA
Well, the new date is up on ticketmaster, and tickets go on sale TOMORROW (2/10) for $20.

It's at the Masquerade...

I'm just thankful it's not happening during ProgPower, now we have 3 days of killer music. Still, I guess the preparty's going to have some problems...

Just giving a heads up! Make sure you check ticketmaster regularly, since they're showing some of the new dates already, and they keep adding.
Wow, that's...odd.

Too bad the additional dates would likely rule out Tarot for ProgPower. :)
If that date and venue sticks, there will be no pre-party this year. It would be foolish to go head to head with that show.

It sucks because The Masquerade is a shitty place, especially compared to Earthlink. Plus, there is no public transportation to there.

Glenn H
I'm doing what I can, but I'm not holding my breath. I have another phone call schedule in about 20 minutes. If I can get in touch with Nightwish's manager, then I could have some pull. No luck yet.

Glenn H
I was referring to the number of tickets sold for the original April date as told to me by the booking agent.

Were they ever put up on Ticketmaster? I never checked.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
I was referring to the number of tickets sold for the original April date as told to me by the booking agent.

Were they ever put up on Ticketmaster? I never checked.

Glenn H.

Shit, I totally forgot that they would honor the original tickets sold for the April date, that definitely complicates the matter.
So, I just got off the phone with the Masquerade asking about buying tickets, and I got told to call back Friday!

So are we sure the ticket master website is correct?

Please do not call the Masquerade until tomorrow. The more publicity you bring to their attention, then lesser the chance I have of moving it to Earthlink within the short time I have available. If I don't post something here by 1000 tomorrow, then can safely assume that I did not get the show and there will be no pre-party.

Glenn H.
NobleKnight said:
I agree the preparty should not compete with the show, if it goes on, but why not move the preparty to Wed? I'm sure plenty would come.

Four straight days of shows is a bit too much. I worry about crowd fatigue come Saturday night. We always come in on Wed and just relax and catch up on things while listening to some tunes and having a few beers.

Glenn H.
I think that would be an awesome Pre Party and we could all meet up before and after anyways, even if it doesn't get moved from the Masquerade.

How big is the Masquerade venue? If it sells out but a lot of would-be pre-party attendees can't get tickets, it might still make sense to have the pre-party.