New Novembers Doom Fan.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
I have The Novella Reservoir and The Pale Haunt Departure and am curious where to go next. I actually got into ND on accident by coming across the new album getting a feeling to buy it which is strange because I never buy cds without hearing them first. I really like how the guitars are so tight and crushing but at the same time the music and vocals are actually really diverse so you get the best of both aspects.
Well, considering you have their 2 most recent releases, the logical step would be to work backwards chronologically (Is this an oxymoron?? :lol:)

Anyhow, that being said, you might wish to check out in this order:
To Welcome The Fade
The Knowing
Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers
Amid Its Hollow Mirth

Personally, my next favorite, aside from the two you have already, would be "Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers"
(But what the hell do I know?)
Hey, welcome to our forum, glad to hear you enjoy the new cd.

My suggestion would be to pick up "To Welcome The Fade" next. It's not quite as aggressive as the other two you have, but it definitely has it moments. Plus if you buy the version that The End Records released, it has a bonus disc with some older out-of-print material, live tracks and a live bootleg video clip, and it's the price of a regular cd, so it's a good deal.
Hey, welcome to our forum, glad to hear you enjoy the new cd.

My suggestion would be to pick up "To Welcome The Fade" next. It's not quite as aggressive as the other two you have, but it definitely has it moments. Plus if you buy the version that The End Records released, it has a bonus disc with some older out-of-print material, live tracks and a live bootleg video clip, and it's the price of a regular cd, so it's a good deal.

I agree...def TWTF it has awesome art work!:)
Just thought I'd mention I tried ordering "Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers" for a few people but it seems to be a toughy to get a hold of anymore. I know the topic came up a few times before and I realise there's nothing the band can do about it really, but still... a re-release would not be a bad thing.
People ask about older ND material as well.
I also just discovered these guys. I've been into bands in this vein for a while (Opeth in particular) so I guess it was only a matter of time... kickass work, it's amazing how markedly it improves with each release. Digging the intelligible death vox. Also, the album art is made of equal parts awesome and win.
I'm a new fan too, I got two albums before Chicago Powerfest, although I didn't have much time to listen to them until after Powerfest. Their performance blew me away. My favorite album is The Knowing so far (out of the two I have)
I think I'm gonna do what I typically do and try to get their stuff in reverse chronological order. I have their four latest ATM and I'm really digging them all, Pale Haunt is especially badass.
No definite plans for anything like that just yet, but we'll see. If we have anything cool worth throwing on the disc as an extra, then we will. But we don't want to just pad it with useless crap either haha
I'd be happy just to re-release the original CD's at this point. I do know the artwork will be slightly different. The other thing we have tossed around is re-mixing The Knowing for a bigger sound, because that mix fell a bit flat.

Again, I'm just talking at this point, nothing has been set in stone yet.