New Odin's Court CD! Free Downloads!

I only had time to listen to one song (Utopian Rust). I really liked it! Thought the keyboards were really cool. Didn't like the vocals that much, but if they're being redone I don't suppose that matters! Sorry I couldn't be more help! Overall I thought it was a really good song though! :grin: :rock:
Purge said:
I only had time to listen to one song (Utopian Rust). I really liked it! Thought the keyboards were really cool. Didn't like the vocals that much, but if they're being redone I don't suppose that matters! Sorry I couldn't be more help! Overall I thought it was a really good song though! :grin: :rock:


Thanks for stopping by and the feedback! We really do appreciate it! Matt has come a long way in the vocals department and is constantly striving to improve himself. He definitely has a unique voice and we have found it seems to be a 50/50 sort of thing. But his vocal melodies are awesome and hopefully after the final product comes out and you give it a few more listens, the vox will grow on you.

I hope you enjoy our other songs too! Where are you located?

Take care!
Love the new CD, of course! My favorite track so far is "Savino"! :lol:

Actually, it is "His Dark Materials" and "Paradise Lost Chapter 1"...I need to listen to it again to get the proper feel of it and then I can review it.

How did you do the artwork for it? I get left behind by all the advances in software technology. I get a new computer and it is outmoded in a week :lol:
Thanks for the demo too! Came in the mail yesterday and I like it. It is very interesting to hear how the songs evolved through time, and it doesn't suck!:) Believe me, I have heard full length albums by Norwegian black metal bands that have absolutely sh*tty production. The quality is pretty darn good.
Snowy Owl said:
Love the new CD, of course! My favorite track so far is "Savino"! :lol:

Actually, it is "His Dark Materials" and "Paradise Lost Chapter 1"...I need to listen to it again to get the proper feel of it and then I can review it.

How did you do the artwork for it? I get left behind by all the advances in software technology. I get a new computer and it is outmoded in a week :lol:
Hey Matt,

Glad you're enjoying the disk so much. Smart ass! ;) :lol:

I'd have to say my favorites on the disk are D2C and Chapter 3. I really enjoy playing all of them, but I think they float to the top of my list! Yeah, whenever i'm listening to something for review, I listen to it in its entirety a minimum of five times in order to digest it better.

I see Matt covered this next question already.

Cool! Glad you enjoy the demo too. See ya Friday!
Snowy Owl said:
The new album gets better and better every time I hear it, and I am kissing no one's ass here. I'm dead serious. :rock:

Now, where's the $10 I was promised for saying this? :lol: :lol:
Excellent! That's very cool to hear! I didn't take it as such either. I know you better by now.

Checks in the mail! :lol: :lol:
Hey guys, I was checking out some of the bands playing at Jaxx a couple of months ago when I was buying my tickets to the Dark Tranquillity show and I came across your band on their calendar. I clicked on the link to your site and downloaded the song "utopian rust". Well I guess you guys are right about people listening to your songs more than once becoming fans. It's a pretty good song and I actually came back to it tonight and went to your site again to see what else you guys have done.

Anyways, I really like your songwriting. Everything comes together pretty good and it sounds real melodic. At the same time it doesn't sound like any instrument is trying to overpower any other's and I think the balance between everything is really good. The vocal delivery is pretty impressive. I like the way the singer hits a lot of different levels in his voice giving it a melodic like feeling. Good stuff guys. I'll make sure to check out the site every now and then and check out your guys progress. Good luck with the band.
@XTGeminiman - Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and give us your feedback! It means a lot that we have a potential new fan in our area. :D

If you have a chance you should check us out live. I think we are a lot of fun and quite entertaining in that setting. Are you into Spock's Beard at all? We're opening for them at Jaxx on May 6th. You can save money on tickets and help out our standing at the venue by getting them from us (here).

We also have our DVD coming out later this year. We're working on the mixing and editing now. Should rock. :rock:

Anyway, feel free to send me an email sometime (matt @, and stop by the forum more often to hang out with us here.

Hope to see ya at a show sometime!
