New Producer

Steven Wilson as a producer is fine by me. At least the production on BWP and D2 are awesome -I don't see what could be wrong with them-. Regarding backing vocals, Per has already proved he's more than OK for that task.
im glad steven is involved in the next album too. im a big fan of his work and hes an excellent producer..
I love Opeth and everything but if Devin Townsend produced their next record, I would not buy it. I think what they have with Steven Wilson is fine, great and the best thing for them.
Steve's a good producer but he is a dork, he's the kind of guy that was bullied when he was a kid, thus he had enough time on his hands to practice and listen to music, I think he didn't have any friends who wanted to play with him.....

Seriously, I think Opeth should produce their next album themselves. They've learned enough over the past years I think to do that.
nicemarmot said:
its going to be a beautiful dark concept album and steve is ganna put the telephone effect all over that, hes a little dork, let him stay with his elitist rock crowd

Hahahaha, I agree, steve is sooo overated, nothing he has done compares to Opeth or Devin Townsend. Besides when hes around Mikael has a hard on the whole time, get over him Mike he's average at best.
Tyrmthaais said:
I love Opeth and everything but if Devin Townsend produced their next record, I would not buy it. I think what they have with Steven Wilson is fine, great and the best thing for them.

You love opeth but wouldnt buy it just because the producer?? I think that is a wannabe elitist statement.
Tyrmthaais said:
I love Opeth and everything but if Devin Townsend produced their next record, I would not buy it. I think what they have with Steven Wilson is fine, great and the best thing for them.

That is retarded, how can you love a band and not buy their album because of the producer, I love Opeth and think Wilson is a faggot English cunt who is overrated and should stick to his own bands but I still bought all their albums the first day they were out.
To nicemarmet & minion 520: I simply cannot stand Devin Townsend. I'm not trying to sound like an elitest and if you got that I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come across that way, I do just not enjoy Devin Townsend's work at all. I simply cannot stand him or his work. So yes, if he did produce Opeth's next record I most likely would not buy it, I would go see them on tour , still support them and what not, but I would not buy the record.
Tyrmthaais said:
To nicemarmet & minion 520: I simply cannot stand Devin Townsend. I'm not trying to sound like an elitest and if you got that I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come across that way, I do just not enjoy Devin Townsend's work at all. I simply cannot stand him or his work. So yes, if he did produce Opeth's next record I most likely would not buy it, I would go see them on tour , still support them and what not, but I would not buy the record.

alright thats fair enough, sorry about that
Nicemarmot and Minion 520 put everything perfectly. Yes, Akerfeldt just cums over the very thought of Wilson being involved. Read his interviews when he speaks about Steven, talks about him like he's his fucking dad. I hold no hate toward Mr. Wilson but he is indeed one of the most overrated musicians I have seen in recent years.
His music is nothing more than a rip off of Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream or any other phychadelic/progressive band that is actually good. It is devoid of any originality.

Yes he is a dork english cunt and should stick with writing his hook songs. And from what I have heard of what he has said on the dvd he is an arrogant ass. I believe he claimed Opeth to be the most sophisticated metal band out there.
Funny ... I find Adagio, Symphony X, Morbid Angel, Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Arcturus, Winds and countless others to surpass Opeth on any level of sophistication. Grow up Steven Wilson. Metal isn't full of pubescent punks that sing about gore and women like many seem to think. Nor is it full of dull adequate musicians ... which is what dumbfucks like him seem to believe.

Mikael Akerfeldt can do whatever the hell he pleases ... but it's about time he wakes up and takes a different direction in order for Opeth to maintain the interesting traits they once used to exhibit well at one time.