New Producer

Michael Jackson is indeed talented. His music was quite good in most respects, and his dancing was even better...sorry it isnt HEaVy MEDuL!!! woot

anyway, Devin is a quality producer in his own right, but not suited for the Opeth sound in my opinion. So far i like what Swano and Wilson have done for the band though, but maybe someone new could be good open for all ideas.
michael jackson: i don't even know what my opinion on his music is. i like some songs. but he has to be one of the weirdest motherfuckers alive. seriously.

devin producing opeth: no. i don't dislike him, but as ninefeet said, i don't think he'd fit with opeth's music.

swano returning to produce: yes, please

wilson staying to produce: okay for this upcoming album, but the following, someone new.
Guitarmaster said:
Nicemarmot and Minion 520 put everything perfectly. Yes, Akerfeldt just cums over the very thought of Wilson being involved. Read his interviews when he speaks about Steven, talks about him like he's his fucking dad. I hold no hate toward Mr. Wilson but he is indeed one of the most overrated musicians I have seen in recent years.
His music is nothing more than a rip off of Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream or any other phychadelic/progressive band that is actually good. It is devoid of any originality.

Yes he is a dork english cunt and should stick with writing his hook songs. And from what I have heard of what he has said on the dvd he is an arrogant ass. I believe he claimed Opeth to be the most sophisticated metal band out there.
Funny ... I find Adagio, Symphony X, Morbid Angel, Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Arcturus, Winds and countless others to surpass Opeth on any level of sophistication. Grow up Steven Wilson. Metal isn't full of pubescent punks that sing about gore and women like many seem to think. Nor is it full of dull adequate musicians ... which is what dumbfucks like him seem to believe.

Mikael Akerfeldt can do whatever the hell he pleases ... but it's about time he wakes up and takes a different direction in order for Opeth to maintain the interesting traits they once used to exhibit well at one time.

Finally someone agrees with me
AbsentFriend said:
Steve's a good producer but he is a dork, he's the kind of guy that was bullied when he was a kid, thus he had enough time on his hands to practice and listen to music, I think he didn't have any friends who wanted to play with him......

That is the stupidist fuckin thing I have ever read. Least he has achieved something with his life, shit headed bullies only end up drunken Guns and Roses fans.

Keep Steve as producer.
NineFeetUnderground said:
...sorry it isnt HEaVy MEDuL!!! woot

being that opeth is a heavy metal band and you are on their message board did you expect many people to be michael jackson fans? its too bad there isnt a message board for elitists who can bullshit eachother all day about how open minded and sophisticated they are, TAKE THE STICK OUT OF YOUR ASS!!
Alternative 3 said:
That is the stupidist fuckin thing I have ever read. Least he has achieved something with his life, shit headed bullies only end up drunken Guns and Roses fans.

Keep Steve as producer.

Steven is a good producer and songwriter...but he does get overrrated sometimes. I think his input into opeth is overexaggerated. He tossed in some ideas and does promote the telephone sound...but it's not like he sits down and writes the songs or anything.
Alternative 3 said:
That is the stupidist fuckin thing I have ever read. Least he has achieved something with his life, shit headed bullies only end up drunken Guns and Roses fans.

For clarification... I was never a bully, but I ended up a drunken Gunners fan.
nicemarmot said:
being that opeth is a heavy metal band and you are on their message board did you expect many people to be michael jackson fans? its too bad there isnt a message board for elitists who can bullshit eachother all day about how open minded and sophisticated they are, TAKE THE STICK OUT OF YOUR ASS!!

So just because im on a heavy metal message forum, typing about a heavy metal band, i should be allowed to be an ignorant jackass who writes off anything without heavy distortion and growling? Looks like you are the one with a stick up your ass.

i highly doubt being a fan of the highest selling artist of all time makes me sophisticated or "open minded"...if anything, it would make me the opposite. stop whining like a fucking girl, grow balls.
Alternative 3 said:
That is the stupidist fuckin thing I have ever read. Least he has achieved something with his life, shit headed bullies only end up drunken Guns and Roses fans.

Keep Steve as producer.
Heheh, says the guy who uses the word 'stupidist'.

I've voiced my opinion on this matter too many times to recount. I won't be as lazy as to do a search on past threads, but I'll summarise again.

Whether or not it's intentional, Steve has impacted the band to a point where the actual music itself is changing. It is developing more standardised structures and we are seeing alot more repetition and work with production effects to compensate for that. I'd like to see Opeth start having more of an input in their own material than their producer again (whether they're willing to admit his presence and influence or not).

I miss the days of when the actual composition was more important than shoving an album together in two weeks in the studio then throwing as much e-bow and crazy-ass psychadelic phaser effects on there as possible.
what i find interesting is all the assumption on peoples parts of how much steven is affecting the material on the record, rather than the production, or effects or just spicing things up.

i think most of you would be in for a rude awakening on how much less steven had to do with the recent material than what is being assumed.
Originally Posted by Guitarmaster
And from what I have heard of what he has said on the dvd he is an arrogant ass. I believe he claimed Opeth to be the most sophisticated metal band out there.
Funny ... I find Adagio, Symphony X, Morbid Angel, Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Arcturus, Winds and countless others to surpass Opeth on any level of sophistication. Grow up Steven Wilson. Metal isn't full of pubescent punks that sing about gore and women like many seem to think. Nor is it full of dull adequate musicians ... which is what dumbfucks like him seem to believe.
I think on the DVD he was talking about how fans of his band thought that, not himself. And most likely, people who didn't know much about metal probably thought that metal was for "pubescent punks that sing about gore and women." I mean look at how metal is presented to the general unknowing public... most people still associate metal with 80's glam and all that nonsense..

Originally Posted by NineFeetUnderground
what i find interesting is all the assumption on peoples parts of how much steven is affecting the material on the record, rather than the production, or effects or just spicing things up.

i think most of you would be in for a rude awakening on how much less steven had to do with the recent material than what is being assumed.

Exactly, he is there for what 2 weeks and works on vocals and mellotrons and making Opeth soundwalls. The music is recorded and written before he gets there. There isn't much of an effect I see other than Mikael trying to impress him and stuff, but I can only see that making the music better, instead of worse. And as far as repetition goes... the last 4 records were recorded within a year of each other. Orchid and Morningrise are repetitve when compared to each other and the same thing is happening now, too many albums too soon.
What exactly is wrong with 80's glam? If someone doesn't have the ability to take the piss out on themselves, then there is something truly wrong with the world.

You're fabricating statements about Opeth's recording methods too. It's quite obvious, presented on footage from the DVD, that not all of Opeth's material is written before entering the studio. Mikael himself stated that he had to write music way after the other guys had left the studio each day. He is even show presenting a freshly-written idea to Steve Wilson for a fucking opinion (the interlude in A Fair Judgement). It's almost like he was looking for acknowledgement.

By NO WAY is the music recorded before Steve Wilson hits the studio. That is not the way the world of professional recording works. The producer is there to give the band their sound whilst they are recording the album. Whoever does the mixing and mastering is the one who doesn't need to be present for the recording sessions.
Well, they were recording in the first studio, doing the drums and bass and some of the guitars and the DVD states clearly that SW wasn't there, so that blows you're theory on a producer having to be there. And yes, Mike does present the interlude dealy to SW, but it is not like SW is holding Mike's hand when he wrote, he's more asking if it will work in the song, not is this good or bad but more like will it work. And I never said that it was written before they went to the studio either, I just said before he got there, which obviously it had to be since they were recording without him there in Nacksving. Now, the acoustic stuff and all the soundwall nonsense, it appears SW is there for that, and pretty much that alone. We never see him do much else on the DVD except spice up the sound of things. He is listed as co-producer along with the band on the last 3 albums, so it's not like he is in charge of everything. On the DVD he even states that he is only there to spice up the vocals and guitars. The basic structure is already written. It's not like the recording process depends on SW like you seem to suggest.
And when did I say there was anything wrong with 80's glam, I was just saying thats what metal is to alot of people.
Actually before SW came along for the albums, they were working with another producer - a rather bad one from what I gather. So no, that doesn't blow my statement about producers attending recording sessions out of the water.

Mike was writing parts during the sessions in both Nacksving and Fredman. It came to be a situation of him having to work under immense pressure, writing and then recording promptly after. The music was still being worked on when he was there. Even if they had it all written before, they were certainly refining alot of it with SW.

With the glam thing, I'd say that calling it 'nonsense' is saying there's something wrong with it :).
Moonlapse said:
Actually before SW came along for the albums, they were working with another producer - a rather bad one from what I gather. So no, that doesn't blow my statement about producers attending recording sessions out of the water.

Mike was writing parts during the sessions in both Nacksving and Fredman. It came to be a situation of him having to work under immense pressure, writing and then recording promptly after. The music was still being worked on when he was there. Even if they had it all written before, they were certainly refining alot of it with SW.

With the glam thing, I'd say that calling it 'nonsense' is saying there's something wrong with it :).

They never say that the guy in Nacksving was their producer, just that he worked at the studio. And if the band were producers on the record wouldn't that support your claim of producers being in the studio... which I agree with you on. Also, I agree with on the refining with SW bit. I don't think it impacted as much as some think, but I admit he was there refining with them.
Also, I said "80's glam and all that nonsense", not 80's glam is nonsense or there is something wrong with it. Just most people I know who aren't into the same kind of metal as me, think of Motley Crue and Poison when they think of metal. Also, I in context of my original statement, PT fans probably do think that 80's glam is childish and silly compared to what they consider adult music. It's just a thought I have on why SW said that in the DVD, it's not my opinion nor is it fact.
Mmm. The classic 'metal' sound is definately what SW seems to think of when prompted with the genre.

'Mike has a great voice for melodic singing. It's not your average alarm-clock metal voice'.

Maybe he just hasn't been introduced to the finer points of metal, or perhaps he's just naturally an arrogant ass. I guess those of us who don't really know him will never know.

Normally what I try to establish is that SW has a subtle influence on the music itself. Sometimes a riff is shaped to accomodate his influence, or his voice. The acoustic verse part in Master's Apprentices is something I had never expected to hear from Opeth. It's something that wouldn't be too out of place on a Porcupine Tree record. It's the fact that Opeth are starting to incoporate PT dynamics that's starting to worry me. I'm afraid that they'll standardise and subsequently stagnate.

I really think they need a breather from SW and try using another producer, at least for one album. He is sort of like their anchor onto that BWP signature sound. Opeth has always been about constantly evolving, but I'm afraid with him undertoning the whole process that won't happen.
NineFeetUnderground said:
So just because im on a heavy metal message forum, typing about a heavy metal band, i should be allowed to be an ignorant jackass who writes off anything without heavy distortion and growling? Looks like you are the one with a stick up your ass.

i highly doubt being a fan of the highest selling artist of all time makes me sophisticated or "open minded"...if anything, it would make me the opposite. stop whining like a fucking girl, grow balls.

actually i am a girl, you sexist pig, you have said many times everyone on this board is dumb and it disgusts you but for some reason you keep coming back, maybe its because you are at the same level? nobody cares if you think you are hot shit so stop posting.
Moonlapse said:
Mmm. The classic 'metal' sound is definately what SW seems to think of when prompted with the genre.

'Mike has a great voice for melodic singing. It's not your average alarm-clock metal voice'.

Maybe he just hasn't been introduced to the finer points of metal, or perhaps he's just naturally an arrogant ass. I guess those of us who don't really know him will never know.

Normally what I try to establish is that SW has a subtle influence on the music itself. Sometimes a riff is shaped to accomodate his influence, or his voice. The acoustic verse part in Master's Apprentices is something I had never expected to hear from Opeth. It's something that wouldn't be too out of place on a Porcupine Tree record. It's the fact that Opeth are starting to incoporate PT dynamics that's starting to worry me. I'm afraid that they'll standardise and subsequently stagnate.

I really think they need a breather from SW and try using another producer, at least for one album. He is sort of like their anchor onto that BWP signature sound. Opeth has always been about constantly evolving, but I'm afraid with him undertoning the whole process that won't happen.

Yes, stagnation is a threat with SW, but I want to hear another album under him, without the extreme conditions of the double recording session. I think that had a lot to do with the subtle influence you were mentioning. When you think about it, well at least when I do, that these albums were done under such extreme conditions and the feeling I got from the DVD, was that focus wasn't put heavily on Deliverance as much Damnation. The band and SW seemed to be more focused on getting the heavy album done, and concentrating more on Damnation. I think this weakness in the record may have let more SW slip in than on BWP, but like I said, I want to be sure, so another SW album wouldn't hurt IMO, but after that I think they should leave and seek out their own progression. Still, it depends on how another record done with SW would sound.
nicemarmot said:
actually i am a girl, you sexist pig, you have said many times everyone on this board is dumb and it disgusts you but for some reason you keep coming back, maybe its because you are at the same level? nobody cares if you think you are hot shit so stop posting.

You're not a very nice marmot at all.