New Producer

^interesting point. how IS SW going to produce such an album? isnt black metal about as far away from his style as possible? not certain, just asking.
further, do we know anything about the new album?
*dorian is ignorant*
All we know is that Mike is experimenting with alot of weird shit in some songs. Open tunings and some gregorian chanting. A Celtic Frost sort of sound. I doubt SW is suited to the upcoming album by some of the ideas that have been shared, but I suppose we'll see what they make of it.

I too started off with Opeth's newer catalogue and made my way backward. I couldn't stand the older material at first, especially Orchid. I sort of etched my way through SL and MAYH to the first two albums. When I garnered a greater interest in playing guitar, I started appreciating the debut more. Orchid was my favourite album for a really long while, until Still Life finally sunk in. Now it's up there as one of my favourite albums of all time along with Fredrik Thordendal's 'Sol Niger Within'.

It's pretty interesting how that can happen though. I think when *new* fans make their way back through your catalogue and tell you that your new shit is subpar, you know there's something missing.
Minion520 said:
Another point that I would like to bring up is that Mikael plans for this album to be sooo beautifully dark and black and Wilson is just gonna shit all over that with his gay telephone effects and double fading shit, what he has displayed thus far in his "imaculate and ever so broad music career" shows that he is not the right producer for this album. I'm getting at the fact that his neo-prog shit infleunce is not what opeth needs on a dark concept album. It seems though that Mikael is set on Wilson and there will nothing that will change his mind, so.........hopefully he will prove me wrong.
I'm pretty sure that Mike loves the telephone effect and probably asks for it to be used. It's not like SW is coming in and saying "here let's put the entire album on telephone effect mode" or whatever you're thinking. On the DVD, SW mentions it as being "one of the things Mike is fond of" and I've read an interview or two that mention Mike's fondness of SW putting the telephone voice on. It's not like SW is forcing Opeth to use his effects, he is there because they want him there. If he is there and they wanted him to be there, then they are going to use his skills and that must mean they like what he does. Also, what is wrong with how SW looks, you are constantly bringing up how he looks like a "faggy english cunt" or whatever, but you suggested they use Devin Townsend… who if we get to judge by looks, looks like a balding middle aged loser who spent too much time doing drugs and not enough time focusing on dental hygiene. I'll take a SW over some guy I suspect would try to rape me for some crack if I walked by his card board box house on the street. And if you hate the SW sound so much why don't you just stop listening to the new albums and complaining about what Opeth wants to do with how they sound, and go listen to the first 4 albums, because I don't see them reverting back to the Orchid style sound anytime soon.
Minion520 said:
What would you guys think if Opeth brought in Devin Townsend as a producer??

People ask this question with every album. I'm getting tired of it. Opeth will choose the person that best suits their wants. Although, if Steve Wilson might be too busy for the new album, but thats months away so dont fret.
Tyrmthaais said:
Also, what is wrong with how SW looks, you are constantly bringing up how he looks like a "faggy english cunt" .

When the fuck did I mention i dont like the way SW looks, I could care less how he looks you fucking turd, don't put words in my fucking mouth. SW is a stagnant producer, case fucking closed, he did his thing with Opeth and the resulting albums were sub par compared to the first 4 (the best being BWP, because it was the first that SW worked on and the sound was new back then) his glory is over, move the fuck on, I'm not saying that Devin should produce the albums, I just brought up the topic to give us something to discuss, knowing he is a producer and talented one at that. So do me a favor and stop blowing your fucking load over the keyboard whenever you open the porcupine tree website and get over him, he is AVERAGE and OPETH is ABOVE AVERAGE, AVERAGE + ABOVE AVERAGE = dragging Opeth down.
So do me a favor and stop blowing your fucking load over the keyboard whenever you open the opeth forum and get over it, there are OPINIONS in this world.

And besides, imo this Watchtower guy should stop singing. This must be the most disgusting voice ever.
mot- said:
So do me a favor and stop blowing your fucking load over the keyboard whenever you open the opeth forum and get over it, there are OPINIONS in this world.

And besides, imo this Watchtower guy should stop singing. This must be the most disgusting voice ever.

Nice job, i'm glad to see you used my insult completely out of context, and who the fuck is this Watchtower guy.