New site design, your thoughts?


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
For the past week I've been hacking a template into something to promote my services. I got a big chunk of it done from 12-3am today, nearly done now.
I just need to take some pictures, and fill the media player with tracks, and fill in more details.

Overall impression?
Anything look wrong?
Background image look ok?
page loads fast enough?
Should I post rates?
Is there even any point to listing equipment? Only gearslutz cares about that right?
If you were a band in the area is there anything on the page that would make you NOT want to contact me?
Looks good Jon, not sure about the Epic Sounds logo on the left hand side.
As far as listening equipment goes, I'd say it's worth it so those a tad more discerning can see that you have good shit, and those that aren't are like DUDE LOOK AT THAT GEAR LIST IT LOOKS FUCKEN SICK MAN HURRRRHURRHUR LOL ITS A STUDIO HURRRR LETS GO RECORD THURR HURRRR so it's win win for you.

you could possibly change the "I" to "We." Could make it look a bit more like a business than a sorta.. Personal Enterprise? It could be too much though.

Perhaps add a page for testimonials from bands that have worked with you previously?
speaking of that, im assuming you finished working with that protest the hero rip off band? I wanna hear the final results man! haha plus that pre-edit/post-edit comparison ;)
"Epic Sounds" in bright green bothers my eyes. That could be just taste tho. The one going down makes it hard to read the white. Other than that, it's a simple site. It works.
I got this little hiccup I noticed, using latest FireFox on PC at work here:

the left hand side "epic studios" is kinda lame haha
also the font u chose, is like a generic metalcore band font!:p

everything else I like tho, especially the way you worded things, you sould like you want the people you work with to know your down to earth, and truly want to help them make THEIR music your #1 priority...which is great!
Looks good Jon, not sure about the Epic Sounds logo on the left hand side.
As far as listening equipment goes, I'd say it's worth it so those a tad more discerning can see that you have good shit, and those that aren't are like DUDE LOOK AT THAT GEAR LIST IT LOOKS FUCKEN SICK MAN HURRRRHURRHUR LOL ITS A STUDIO HURRRR LETS GO RECORD THURR HURRRR so it's win win for you.

you could possibly change the "I" to "We." Could make it look a bit more like a business than a sorta.. Personal Enterprise? It could be too much though.

Perhaps add a page for testimonials from bands that have worked with you previously?
speaking of that, im assuming you finished working with that protest the hero rip off band? I wanna hear the final results man! haha plus that pre-edit/post-edit comparison ;)
Thanks for your feedback.
logo on the left may go.
The I vs We thing is tricky. It is just me, this is promoting my self as a professional engineer more than my 'studio' as it's not a place for other engineers.
I just need a more professional way of saying I can do everything here except drums.
And PM sent for the final product.

"Epic Sounds" in bright green bothers my eyes. That could be just taste tho. The one going down makes it hard to read the white. Other than that, it's a simple site. It works.
I like the green, bright pink was a good contender too. LOL
I do think you're right about the left side logo, I like it, but it's hard to focus on the content.
i like it. looks good to me. i think the logo is cool, and i dont mind that its green. :lol:
Thanks! I'm pretty happy with this layout.

i like the green, keeps things light hearted
Indeed, hoping it will appeal to the young'ns with their various 'core' genres.

I got this little hiccup I noticed, using latest FireFox on PC at work here:
Good catch man. I forgot about that part. I'll just remove that chunk completely.

Thanks team!
Any concern about the "holy shit" written on the console?

Do you think that there is a console in the background and not in my equipment list is a bad thing? The pic is from a session I did, my handwriting. We had 8 channels of guitar feedback.

Oh and I fixed the problem Socialnumb found and took off the left side logo.

Better without?
Any concern about the "holy shit" written on the console?

Do you think that there is a console in the background and not in my equipment list is a bad thing? The pic is from a session I did, my handwriting. We had 8 channels of guitar feedback.

Oh and I fixed the problem Socialnumb found and took off the left side logo.

Better without?

i dont see why the holy shit is an issue
anyone old enough to be in a band has heard worse.
No offence intended whatsoever but I think the whole site just comes off as a bit "cheap" and amateur, I think you are best off having a graphic artist or someone else skilled with layout/design to create something visually appealing that you can code around yourself...

Check my site out, danweapon from the board did all the graphics and I just did the coding. The whole website is just one image with an inline frame, ridiculously simple.
Right now, with the amount of content in there, i'd say the js-slide you have going in is unnecessary and rather distracting...

The green logo look like something from a 1990's webpage to me, personally.

Are you mainly focusing on "Epic Sounds" or your name as a brand? having both up top and linking to another site isn't a great practice...

those are just a few quick things that caught my attention.