New Slayer.

yes, it is a new slayer album. but what is actually new about the music, besides its being their latest recording, can somebody tell me? why would you want to buy this album when it's just a repetition of their good old thrash days? dont get me wrong, i like what im hearing.
i can never get excited about a new slayer release, this is a decent song, this will no doubt, be the highlight of the album though:erk:
just started spinning "God Hates Us All". Now theres an album where they tried a few new sinister things, if you ask me. however, that new track above ise just safe territory.

Great album, it came out on 911 so I remember blasting that record all day and watching the twin towers crumble in New York on the constant news reruns. Freaky fucking day that was.
Great album, it came out on 911 so I remember blasting that record all day and watching the twin towers crumble in New York on the constant news reruns. Freaky fucking day that was.

haha yeah, and also. That rammstein video that came out like a day or 2 before 9/11. the one where there terrorists in a bank or somethin.
Good ol' Slayer stickin to their roots still. Also Tom Araya's voice amazes me. After all these years he's still screaming the fuck out of those songs (apart from the ones where he actually sings) and still sounds fresh.