New Social Thread

Well...went from not being hungry to being starved to queasy curiousness. Thanks for the roller coaster ride guys.
I do not understand...isn;t A&W like atrabucks and mcdicks, where you can find one everywhere? Im just confused why you dont have the chance to go to one?

sry drunk work with me here.stupid scotch + chuggable beer.

I have never seen one around where I live. I would have to take hour(s) drives to just find one and go to it. Like, the closet Waffel House to me is 2 hours away and same goes for Rally's. I am not even sure where an A&W would be. I been all over Ohio, but I don't ever remember seeing one. I am about to take a trip, I am going to find one. And I say chance because by the way I am living, I feel like I am not going to go too much of any where. Like, I barely get out of the house anymore. I am sure it will all change though after I graduate in June. I just feel worthless right now. I think Senioritis is kicking in me. I don't even want to go to school half the time.
If you feel worthless now, you will feel the same after Graduating. Things dont change themselves,i.e. you graduate and problems get solved. These kind of things you gotta take care of yourself. Trust me, I know what your talking about completely. Only difference is thst I never got to grade 12, or 11,or....

so basically, If you feel stuck its completely your problem and your the only one that can get out of there. I have lots I want to accomplish, and soon, but know one is gonna help me do it its all my problem. Its very difficult but thats just how it is
Fast food is garbage. They replace the frying oil only once a week in all those McDonalds outlets.
Also, recently in one of the malls in Tel-Aviv I've encountered the shittiest and most disrespectful customer service in McDonalds; they tampered with my order; it took them about 45 minutes to get it prepared.And the place wasn't even loaded. All I asked for was a small-sized burger, and some cappuccino. They mixed up the orders, took the receipt by mistake along with the money I paid, and then denied me my meal, demanding I show them the receipt that they took. Could you believe that?
Fortunately, I hardly ever eat out, unless due to sheer necessity. Home-cooking is best. Plus, my mother is an amazing cook.

Really, fuck fast food. I eat fast food one or twice a year. Home cooked meal is the way to go.
If you feel worthless now, you will feel the same after Graduating. Things dont change themselves,i.e. you graduate and problems get solved. These kind of things you gotta take care of yourself. Trust me, I know what your talking about completely. Only difference is thst I never got to grade 12, or 11,or....

so basically, If you feel stuck its completely your problem and your the only one that can get out of there. I have lots I want to accomplish, and soon, but know one is gonna help me do it its all my problem. Its very difficult but thats just how it is

Well, I know it is all my fault. The way am feeling, the way I am acting, how I am thinking, and everything in between. And yes, I know the only way for me to fix anything is to change. Change for the better and see where everything ends up. But, with the whole graduating thing, I feel like it will change something. School is really overwhelming for me. Once it is all done, I feel like some things will change. Out of my older brother, me & my fraternal twin sister, and younger brother, I will be the only one graduating. I won't even be able to graduate with my sister. She screwed up and will have to graduate with our younger brother next year. And for my older brother, he didn't finish school. Him and like all his friends dropped out. I just feel all this pressure and I have messed up and I am trying to fix it on my own. I cannot even bring anything up to my mom or anyone because they are so excited that I am graduating and that I have always done the right thing. I just cannot take it. It is always "Stephanie this, Stephanie that, and Stephanie blah blah blah." and it just annoys me. I hate having all the light on me. I don't want to be the center of attention and I have screwed up. I have to pass all the classes I have now just to graduate and I messed up with one. I have a little over 4 weeks to bring it up to passing. Sometimes I wish I can just go away and start off fresh. It kills me that I cannot even go to my mom or anyone to talk. I know this sounds really lame, but I am scared to talk to them and see how they will act. It just sucks. Once in awhile I will just sit and cry, but when asked what is wrong, I just say "Nothing. I am just feeling like crap. Nothing, nothing at all. Just letting out to feel better." and in the end, it accomplished nothing, not a darn thing. And you are right, it is very difficult. It kind of felt good just to get out on here. I know, it'd be better for me to get out to who I really want to get it out to, but I guess I am on my own.
Every person these days shuts in there emotions, and dont dare to tell or show anyone how they really feel ect. Talking with your mom about it would probably be the best thing to do. Your not admitting to failure anyways, so it doesnt matter. Getting that off your chest would be a good thing, trust me.Furthermore, she could probably offer advice and help you.
Lol my mum was going to her doctors to ask for a prescription to that mascara thats supposed to make your eyelashes thicker and longer, before my mum and wasted her money on a doctors appointment I showed her how to curl her eyelashes. She was like literally amazed by how thick and long it made her lashes. Guess whose getting the money she would've had to spend today?


And even more good news: Guess whose photography will be displayed in a local boutique? (: I used their clothes for a photo shoot I did for one of my friends as a favor and the owner of the store saw it and asked me to print out on a 56" x 34" canvas for her. She'll be putting it in the shop on Monday. This is the first time my photography is going to be on display anywhere, so I'm pretty excited, so excited that I'm not even charging her.

Even more good news?
Josh and I found a loophole, we're friends with benefits because we figured that as friends with benefits we won't technically be dating so his asshole father can't do/say anything about it.

Yes, I still have more good news:
Kyrsten wants to hang out with me later tonight and I haven't seen her in over a year (my sort-of ex girlfriend). I really miss her (:

Today has just been really good.
And I look really good today, my make up looks great and so does my hair and my outfit is decent (I'm wearing a skirt, so at least I get to show off my legs today).
