New Soilwork

Dec 28, 2001
New Plymouth, New Zealand
I'm deeply sorry if this has been posted..But has anyone heard their new music..I downloaded the song Natural Born Chaos...And I must say it is not completely terrible..I was dissapointed with A Predators Portrait..but this is far worse IMO..
I posted something about the new album the other day. I don't know... there's nothing really spectactular about Soliwork's music in my opinion. I've only heard Predator's Portrait and Chainheart Machine and one song off the new album, and while each of the tracks is very listenable there's something very formulaic about their music. Good band, but not great.
Originally posted by Somberlain
All i'm saying is they have gone down the gurgler with their latest release(from what I have heard)

I've heard just the opposite, and I'll echo it too, having heard a few songs. People who only like noisy thrash metal probably will hate it, I guess, since Soilwork has gone away from that since their debut.

Ok i won't tell you my opinion, i'll just tell you about the music. they used to be more thrash with a little less melody. on APP they changed quite a bit and added clean vocals and got more melodic. From the samples i have heard, the new one follows even more in that direction.

ok i can't resist... have to tell you what i think :) i think people who decide they hate songs because of the structure before the actual content are being a bit silly. Yeah it is all structured very similarly. So that could be a bit of a hit on it. BUT that should be a very minor complaint, maybe if those people could think beyond the "oh it needs to be long and if it has the verse-chorus-verse structure i must hate it. Oh and it needs accoustic passages." they might actually find the music to be very good. That's almost as bad as the prog snobs who won't listen to ANYTHING unless it has shred and complexity and odd time sigs and weird song structure. And if it has death growls they instantly hate it. So maybe you will be able to see the similarities of BOTH types of people and recognize they are limiting themselves. Soilwork, despite the song structure which you assume to be the most important thing, come up with some quite unique riffs and solo's (i have yet to hear a boring solo from them, always melodic and technical) Tell me you have ever heard riffs like "Grand Failure Anthem" or "The Chainheart Machine" or even "Like An Average Stalker". I haven't, and i am obsessed with music and have a MASSIVE collection of melodic death, technical death, and al lthe like (not to mention my shred and prog stuff heheh)
hell, i love this genre just as much as i love opethian stuff, or super-structure progressive. soilwork DOES have odd time sigs in places, and they DO shred and play complex stuff. some people bash them for being too limited, whereas some would like nothing but to-minute noisefests. soilwork is a great band, much like their predecessors ATG, draw a fine line between neo-classical guitar lines and good ol' low-down-n-dirty deathmetal.

bless them
I have the new soilwork album, and ill say that my first impression was mixed. It was reminiscent of predators portrait, but took those changes and concepts, and refined them. You probably wouldnt know it was the same band as steelbath suicide if you had never heard them before and listened to this new album afterward. But to me, this isnt a bad thing...soilwork have gone from another talented but cliched At the gates clone (dont get me wrong, i love all soilwork and at the gates material), to being a band who has redefined what this genre can hold and are currently the only ones doing it. In my eyes, they have reversed the situation...i feel many other swedish bands will be doing this, the same way they all jumped on the at the gates bandwagon. The point is, this album has good melodies, good musicianship, good production and a lot to offer everyone whos willing to give it a try. Buy natural born chaos, and rediscover a band who is changing and expanding extreme metal as we know it. SOILWORK RULES!
Me too. Its an asome album and imho deeply sentimental, almost as sentimental as any opeth album. Its just that their sound its not that usual in a sentimental band cause its still heavy as fuck yet melodic and sad. I think Gardenian took a big chance with it but it was not a mistake it was a wonderful progression.