New Song- Blind At Heart

I did.. and as I told to everybody listinening to it just once could turn into giving bad suggestions about it while trying to describe it.. I'll try thought

it's a fucking fast song, probably faster than the new build intro... some of my friends say that it seems like a black-metallish intro style.. the chorus is really catchy, while it's enegetic and violent as well..

I know this doesn't say much but still I think I can't make a more detailed description as I might be remembering wrong things, so it does make sense to keep generic and not too detailed, also in order not to spoil it for those who still have to listen to it ;)
I can not decide wether I should download or not. My choice are following:

Download and be happy, though spoiling the surprise

Not do it, be misserable, but avoid spoiling the surprise

Download it and not spoil the surprise, as the upcomming CD will contain more than one song..

What do you think?
@Tri: I don't know what you'll decide to do, it's up to you. But i usually wait for the cd.
I guess I'll wait too... I don't want to be diappointed by a live mp3, especially when the band itself say that a lot of things can change from now on, so let's be patient! :D
Dark Dominion said:
any clean vocals in it? i guess no
I havent heard it, but I know there won't be any clean vocals yet. Mikael said in recent interviews that they might try clean vocals on some of the slower tracks on the album, but it's undecided yet. As this appears to be a fast song, I guess it's not gonna have clean on it.

DT seemed to imply on their main page that the new song is going down a treat at shows/show... leaving people literally stunned in tears (of joy). Although the tears could be sorrow... knowing they will never in their life top the glory of the moments spent audibly consuming Blind at Heart. You can tell my expectations are high.

Back to clean vocals, Can anyone on the inside confirm that on the recently recorded demos for the new album, Stanne did clean and harsh versions of some of the songs? If so, those clean demo versions are gonna be worth their weight in gold some day. Exposures 2 anyone?
King Chaos said:
Back to clean vocals, Can anyone on the inside confirm that on the recently recorded demos for the new album, Stanne did clean and harsh versions of some of the songs? If so, those clean demo versions are gonna be worth their weight in gold some day. Exposures 2 anyone?

True, it'd be really cool to hear different versions of one same song. They've never done that before, have they?

I'll download Blind at Heart (or at least try to). I know I won't mind if it comes a little bit different in the end, which I think is quite unlikely. That is because they have already played it live, and hence IMO means that the song is completely finished.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
That is because they have already played it live, and hence IMO means that the song is completely finished.

A lot of things can change in a studio, believe me ! :)
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
True, it'd be really cool to hear different versions of one same song. They've never done that before, have they?

there is a (bootleg) live version of misery in me with clean vocals.
Or you could try bootlegs, which, imo, is much better than having just one live song from some random concert without the rest of the concert. An Osaka 1999 bootleg has that clean-vocals Misery in me version, and my bootleg has Blind at heart.

About the new song: I've only listened to it three or four times from the bootleg (and obviously one time on the concert), but it's indeed really fast, and it seemed to me that Mikael kept repeating the song name (presumably part of the chorus) over and over again. Other than that, i can't say much, except that the bridges don't seem to be as interesting as the bridges on other songs, but that might just be my scarce times listening to it.
UndoControl said:
About the new song: I've only listened to it three or four times from the bootleg (and obviously one time on the concert), but it's indeed really fast, and it seemed to me that Mikael kept repeating the song name (presumably part of the chorus) over and over again. Other than that, i can't say much, except that the bridges don't seem to be as interesting as the bridges on other songs, but that might just be my scarce times listening to it.

So Undo, will ye please upload it somehwere? Por favor?