New song (by me)


Sep 14, 2001
Okay, I have another song online, the imaginitively titled "Song B" (Thales has already cornered the market for "Song [number]" :D ).

It is important to remember that this is only my second ever song. I haven't bothered to concentrate on good sound quality, instead recording it quickly to see what people's reactions are. As such, the guitars sound a little fuzzy and there is no bass ('cause I haven't got access to one any more). The separate guitar parts of the different sections were recorded in one take, so there are mistakes in there, particularly when my own drums caught me out :D. I could, and do, play it better, but when I was recording it I just wnted to do it quickly. And as for the "lead" that starts at 1:21, the main idea for that is to say "a lead goes here" rather than "this lead goes here". That lead was also partly made up as I recorded it.

Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Please note the word "constructive". Simply saying that the song is bad is not very helpful, I need to know why it is bad and, if possible, tips on how to improve it. I am perfectly capable of slagging myself off, thank you very much :p.

I am aware of a number of flaws, and I also know that this song is unoriginal. Hopefully I will develop my own sound as I go on, and if I ever get a band together the sound will be changed according to the different influences of the other members.

The link to the song is here, or can be found in my sig. Please don't expect too much. Also, if you haven't got the second version of January's Prelude, get it, because Song B is designed to follow on from January's Prelude (plus Song B uses some riffs that used to be on the old version of January's Prelude).

downloading....... after i fixed up your little mistake in your link :p
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
downloading....... after i fixed up your little mistake in your link :p

Whoopsy daisy. I've caught Big Finger Syndrome from Hearsey :p.

'Tis fixed now.
:lol: I take it that it wasn't you that thought up the title for "Song 1" then. :D

Well, it would have a name. I mean, there is a name for it. But, as I envisage it, the final version of this song will differ greatly from the current one, so I thought that it didn't deserve to be called it yet.

Does that make sense? :confused:
Yeah, makes sense to me. :)

And, uhm. There is logic in chaos (i.e. "how Thales tracks are titled?"), believe it or not. "Song 1" was the first song in which the three of us (me, Jani, Lasse) participated. The others are called "Song 8, 9, 10," etc., because each number is the n:th song written by Jani and Lasse alone. :)

Does that make sense? :confused:

P.S. To make it worse, all new songs will be titled "Song 20, 21, 22" etc., because they are destined for the 2nd album, if that ever happens. :D
Surely you should start at 21 - "The second album's first song"? To start at 20 would be like saying "the second album's 0th song", which is quite bizarre.

Unless I'm quite bizarre.

How bizarre.
Originally posted by rustymetal
Surely you should start at 21 - "The second album's first song"? To start at 20 would be like saying "the second album's 0th song", which is quite bizarre.

Unless I'm quite bizarre.

How bizarre.

Sorry, there already is "Song 20". The snowball has started rolling... :cry:

And yes, there are two Song 1's. ;)
12% downloaded.
I liked January's Prelude.

I guess without lyrics it’s hard.
How about Song (Roman numeral)?

Nah, cuz then "Song 1" would be "Song I", which people would think was "Song Eye". And you'd get "Song V" and "Song X" as well. Song X sounds really cheesey. :p
Sorry bout the long time its taken me to reply!

Well unfortunately the sound quality on this recording does detract from the song a lot, sounds very empty and all the instruments are a bit too disconnected.

Overall its pretty cool, you using two guitars pretty well, they both complement each other nicely. Some interesting stuff going on.

The acoustic bits you stole from your first song still sound cool, the bit that follows at 5:30ish is also cool. The clean sections of this song are far more listenable.. but thats just coz they sound a little nicer.

Ends off with a nice fading riff.

Overall a good little track, recorded to a pretty buzzy standard (its fine to hear what the song is like, but its not the type of quality id want to actually listen to). Drums are programmed quite well and interestingly, though the sounds arent so good. And bass would really help fill out this song. Nice riffs, pretty opeth influenced but your doing it fairly well, nice to see you taking some weirder harmonies and weirder twin guitar melodies and such.

Keep up the good work, and by the time you get your recordings to a really good standard your songs should be to a really good standard as well, currently its fairly obvious you're in the early stages of writing and recording music.. dont let that worry you though as you're defintiely showing a lot of promise and its a stage everyone goes through, wont be long before your writing music thats a bit more mature and a bit more you.
Well thank gods for that. I was getting nervous with no feedback. Thanks a lot Dave.

What did you think about the flow of it? The first thing I noticed when I'd finished recording it was that it was a bit stop-start at the beginning - well, the first few minutes.
hmm... ill have to listen to it again to find out
busy listening to other stuff at the moment, so will respond later!
The clean parts I recorded straight onto the computer without going through a pedal, then I just experimented with a bit of EQ and Noise Reduction, although I didn;t really know what I was doing.

The distortion I got from my brother's Zoom 505 effects pedal. Which is very bad. It is impossible to get a good sound from it. It's not ideal, but it's the best I've got until I buy one for myself. Until then, you'll have to put up with almost-midi.