New song (by me)

Dude :) you're acoustics are swEET!! Are you tired of hearing that yet? haha

The very beginning has a lot going on. It's hard to follow. Those words are the exact same thing I thought about Novembre when I first heard them, and now you couldn't pry their CDs from my dead corpse if you tried. Original, that's for sure.

To be honest, when the acoustics come in, it sounds like someone else is playing. I know it's you because I remember January's Prelude and I remember the playing style. (sort of) There were numerous killer parts IMO that I won't go on about. Just know (and I'm sure you do) acoustics are your thing.

Oh yeah...the end was pretty kickass too. Good ideas!
Originally posted by Opet
Dude :) you're acoustics are swEET!! Are you tired of hearing that yet? haha

The very beginning has a lot going on. It's hard to follow. Those words are the exact same thing I thought about Novembre when I first heard them, and now you couldn't pry their CDs from my dead corpse if you tried. Original, that's for sure.

To be honest, when the acoustics come in, it sounds like someone else is playing. I know it's you because I remember January's Prelude and I remember the playing style. (sort of) There were numerous killer parts IMO that I won't go on about. Just know (and I'm sure you do) acoustics are your thing.

Oh yeah...the end was pretty kickass too. Good ideas!

So you like the acoustic parts then? :)

Uh, can you help me out with your vocabulary? When you say "killer parts", is that parts that kill the song (i.e. BAD)?? If so, let me know about them, please - I need to learn :D!

Thanks a lot! :worship:
Uh, can you help me out with your vocabulary? When you say "killer parts", is that parts that kill the song (i.e. BAD)??

DOH! :lol: Sorry Rusty...

When you said (i.e. BAD) I thought of the slang use of bad and how it can be used in an opposite meaning, but to answer your question:

killer/sweet/kickass = fucking great :)
Ah, I see. If you'd have used "sweet" or "kickass" I would've known what you were talking about :). I'll refer back to your other post now:

There were numerous killer parts IMO that I won't go on about.

Go on, tell me about these killer parts then - I need to know what I'm doing right so that I can do more of it :p. Chuck us a PM or email or something. Unless you can't be bothered, in which case tell me to bugger off.
Originally posted by rustymetal
Well thank gods for that. I was getting nervous with no feedback. Thanks a lot Dave.

What did you think about the flow of it? The first thing I noticed when I'd finished recording it was that it was a bit stop-start at the beginning - well, the first few minutes.
Well i certainly took my time to reply eh!?

Well, the drums you have written near the start automatically have a less forward moving feel to them, but ignoring that the riffs and drum changes all seem to flow and change on pretty well. Mainly i think the drum beats are what could use the most work.. the riffs themselves flow into each other well.

Theres nothing wrong with sections of music that dont necessarily flow, as long as you do them intentionally and correctly.
Sorry, Rusty for my tarty-ass reply. Since I've signed my life over to this nuthouse, I barely have time to scratch my ass nevermind logging online for playtime. :) I will make time however....when my boss is out to lunch of course. :D