NEW SONG (now with vocals and guest solo by Felix Neumann)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Finally finished. Felix, you did an awesome job with the solo (he's the second half of the solo... I'm obviously the untighter first half :)). He also added some fx after the solo. My best friend did the lyrics. he's not actually a singer at all (first time he did something like that). he's the one in the front and I'm the idiot in the background.


I really dig this song so far but I think it's never perfect so tell me what you guys think. be aware of pumping. i was working all day on that song and my ears are fucked.
Thanks so much, dudes :) Hahah the song just runs in endless repeat..(why the hell soundclick player has no repeat button) I love the song passionately! It would be awesome, if you´d post the lyrics here in the thread.

Okay..spotlights on the mix: When the singing begins the first time, it sounds too dry imo..nearly "Chris Barnish". A bit of reverb would be so matching for this epic song construction!! But that´s the only thing I found so far. The overall impression is wonderful. A great Death Metal song!
I thought it was a lot of reverb allready but I'll check it tomorrow. It's the first time I wrote any lyrics and I'm not completely sure about the grammar. So if someone could correct it so we can rerecord wrong passages it would be really helpfull. I'm not even sure if some of the words I used even exist in that way :-D

Twentytwo Days

After years of self-abandonment
we got struck down by the hands of bitter fate
consumed by the circle of subhumanity
we're starving to die a wretched death
conceived by the temples of clarity

you never thought we would die alone
between the masses of autonomous drones
you never thought we would die alone
lurking the weakness beyond the human veil

we're the outcasts of a rotting society
we're the banished infants of a virgin birth
ignore my burning desire for your cold perspirated skin

you never thought we would die alone
between the masses of autonomous drones
you never thought we would die alone
lurking the weakness beyond the human veil

secure yourself from the anguish of your
bloodsplattered pride
I'am digging (that word sound so funny when he sings it :)) the grave of a liars life

you never thought we would die alone
between the masses of autonomous drones
you never thought we would die alone
lurking the weakness beyond the human veil
I'm not even sure if some of the words I used even exist in that way :-D

SCHEISSEGAL!!! I have goosebumps, when I listen to the song while reading your fucking bloody honest lyrics!! The vocals are THE damn outvomited screams (outvomited..propably also a none existing word). Anger is palpable, credible! When a song evokes emotions in me, I will definitely not count peas. Mission accomplished, man.

I'll just be leaving now...

:D But seriously, sounds awesome man, very eerie in the beginning with the seeming atonality, and sweet guitar tone (though perhaps a bit harsh, still I love that Krank tone). You're right, though, it does sound like there's some serious pumping going on with the whole mix that's a bit fatiguing; also the vox/kick are too loud (and cymbals too soft) IMO. And I still can't stand that AD kick ;) Also agree about the vox being a bit too dry. Solos sound freakin' gnarly, though the second half of the first batch aren't really doing it for me; I can definitely tell that fast picking ascending lick (at 3:04) was more trem-picking than fast alternate-picking, and on that note (at 3:07) you hold, the vibrato has what I call the "angry bee" effect (very fast/hyper/uncontrolled sounding). I really like the overall note choice, and that harmonized arpeggio right at the beginning is fucking awesome, but there are parts where the technique is a bit iffy TBH. And Felix, I assume yours are everything after that, and HOT DAMN, nothing but praise for that!
and for the solo: yup. I'm not very good at playing fast stuff to be honest. And it's not really tight. but after an hour I got tired. I guess I will rerecord it. At least I'll try!
Nah, don't sell yourself short dude, as I said, the notes are really cool - the main thing I guess is just knowing your limits; no way could I play that fast ascending run! (so as a result, I wouldn't try to and would write something else instead ;))
Know what you mean! But seriously: You know when you have something in your head and you want in your song so badly you could puke up because you can't play it tight? This way I wont forget it and still can practice. :)
That's the spirit! :headbang: And Felix, in that part at 3:20, is that the high frets of a bass in unison with you? o_O