NEW song posted from Warrel Dane's "Praises To The War Machine"

No, your post came off as a trolling attempt though, so to avoid 4 pages of debate over it, I ended it there. Don't buy it if you aren't convinced.

I just don't like it as much as most of you do. I don't see that as trolling? It reminds me too much of "new Soilwork".

edit: Ever heard of group thinking?
I just don't like it as much as most of you do. I don't see that as trolling? It reminds me too much of "new Soilwork".

edit: Ever heard of group thinking?
Yes, but I'm not part of such phenomenon, ask anyone else what I listen to and what I think of their favorite bands. Seeing as you spend most of your time on RC, I'm inclined to believe your bias is part of a larger clique there.
ehh.... I stopped liking Soilwork before I started posting on RC, so you don't really have a point there..... besides... most of RC absolutely loves doom metal, and I've been known for hating it.... so I don't really feel like my mind is being washed by this clique, as you call them.