New The Haunted

Judging from the last two albums, I don't understand why people are surprised the new song doesn't sound like Revolver. They were clearly headed towards a new direction, and they've already made several great aggressive albums.

I dig the song, so I'm quite curious to hear the rest of the album when it's out.
God damn it, I hate it when bands pull this shit. Doesn't matter if the music is good or not, if you are going to completely change the musical direction of your band THEN IT'S NOT THE SAME FUCKING BAND ANYMORE

Get a side project for your gay desires, or just break up the band and reform with some other name, just don't try to assfuck your fans with this crap just becuse you want to capitalize on an already established name.


After albums like One Kill Wonder, Revolver or The Dead Eye(yeah I kinda like it, way better than that album with that ,,Moronic Colossus,, track which I don't even remember name of anymore) and after ,,Hate Song" you don't just make mainstreamy and slightly non-hetero songs under the same banner. You either change it or just stop milking a dead cow already.
They turned In Flames?
Hahah. I forwarded this to some friends last night and got this exact response just a minute before I read yours.

Maybe some of you guys are soothsayers but I think it's strange to call this change in sound predictable. The last 3 records were quite different from the first 3 but they were still heavy. I'm going to listen to them today and see if I can reverse engineer the logic.
Maybe some of you guys are soothsayers but I think it's strange to call this change in sound predictable. The last 3 records were quite different from the first 3 but they were still heavy. I'm going to listen to them today and see if I can reverse engineer the logic.

Maybe the new album will be heavy overall and "Disappear" is just the power ballad. :D

But yeah... I went back and read reviews of The Dead Eye and Versus last night and they all seemed to claim those albums were logical progressions of new directions explored on their respective predecessors, but I never picked up on that while listening to them either. Alls I know is that the things I loved about TDE were either absent or dialed way the hell back on Vs, which in my book made it more of a let down new-direction-wise than a progression.

I'll go back and listen to the last three albums again too. Can definitely think of worse ways to spend an evening. :)
Hahah. I forwarded this to some friends last night and got this exact response just a minute before I read yours.

Maybe some of you guys are soothsayers but I think it's strange to call this change in sound predictable. The last 3 records were quite different from the first 3 but they were still heavy. I'm going to listen to them today and see if I can reverse engineer the logic.

I'm not saying THIS change in sound was predictable, but a pretty big change in general. If you have a look at Peter Dolving's (who, in my eyes, is the driving force in The Haunted) other stuff, like Peter Dolving Band, it's pretty clear the man has a liking for other things than modern thrash metal, too. I'm a huge The Haunted fanboy, and when I first heard The Dead Eye, I felt like it was a huge change from their earlier records, which to me were pure fury in musical form.

Having said that, No Ghost made me jizz myself. It's almost The Haunted meets Down. Fuck yes.
Yeah I mean, this was coming. I've been a fan since Made Me Do It came out, have all the albums, it seemed pretty apparent to me the progression the band was making towards this new album. It's definitely different, but I can't wait for it to come out so I can snag it. On a sidenote, judging purely from the YT video this sounds like the best production they've had yet.
Can someone forward me an Amazon link to this manual on "what you are and are not allowed to do as a metal band" that so many of you seem to be reading from please? Because I was under the impression that, as an artist, I could freely record any style of music I wanted and release it under any name I fucking well pleased. What a crazy idea! So yeah, I can haz link plz?
Can someone forward me an Amazon link to this manual on "what you are and are not allowed to do as a metal band" that so many of you seem to be reading from please? Because I was under the impression that, as an artist, I could freely record any style of music I wanted and release it under any name I fucking well pleased. What a crazy idea! So yeah, I can haz link plz?

No time for digging through Amazon so I'm giving you related article:

Have a good read!
Is that the same article that explains why people complain that a band "is just going through the motions" or "has stagnated" or "has failed to evolve" or "isn't taking enough risks" if they put out two similar sounding albums in a row? :)
There's no way the guys from At The Gates are still in this band. It sounds like they were replaced with Soilwork members.
You guys need to get over yourselves. Have any of you been in a band since 1998? If so, please link me to examples of your first, third, fifth, and seventh albums - I wonder how consistent those will be.
That second clip sounds pretty cool imho, not sure about the first song!
Really understand what Jeff means, if I would play in a band for 13 years
I would try to get into a new direction.