New The Haunted

Even tho this track is crazy different, I still think it's an awesome track Definitely well written, and digging the hell out of the vox :kickass:
You guys need to get over yourselves. Have any of you been in a band since 1998? If so, please link me to examples of your first, third, fifth, and seventh albums - I wonder how consistent those will be.

This was exactly my thoughts. I got here late, so I couldn't hear the first song...but "No Ghost" is heavy as fuck, satiates my Sabbath fix. I've enjoyed everything they've done, and I'm willing to recognize the band is maturing into whatever direction they feel like. I'll buy this album when it drops.
I think the guitar sound is perfect for the style. Sounds like green channel 5150 with no TS.

Basically it's a pure matter of preference, but in my opinion metal-guitars are a pretty percussive instrument (palm-mutes, hard pick attacks etc.) and that percussiveness is totally lost.

I think Tue had the "bigger picture" in mind and in total the songs sound pretty cool - kinda "easy-listening" (you decide, whether thats good or bad for metal).
i've literally been listening to this non stop since my last post, must have gone through the album about 5 times already, this was just like when CKY's Carver City came out, something a bit different to what everyone was expecting but absolutely brilliant. It's rare i get into a WHOLE album this much.
2nd track posted in that live vid sounded absolutely awful, this Unseen song reminds me too much of APC but its not too bad. I'm not disappointed or anything, gave up on this band 3 records ago