New to Anathema

Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
My Dying Bride made an amazing cover of Roads, even the biggest anti-MDB person must admit that. I think they made it actually better than the original.

Don't kill me

yeah, this cover is really amazing, very good like the original.
the cover is pretty good from what i remember. i like 'roads' but since i heard the live version it kinda ruined it for me. in my opinion 'undenied' is them best song. its one of me fave songs ever. its amazing.
Yep. It's very good. Both albums are great. The band is great. And original. Hope they release a new one soon and maybe see 'em live somewhere...
It's been a few month that i'm looking for this song on Soulseek but never got to catch it ... I guess i'll find a nice soul to send it to me through e mail :)

...mehdi? :D
ah yeah, when AG's been shut down i didnt use any P2P software for months, but two days ago i finally set up kazaa on my comp and it works pretty fine. i almost finished downloading beth gibbons' solo album, and i downloaded a couple of french songs as well as an eminem song :grin:
about p2p: AG was great, yeah, Kazaa is o.k., too much spy ware though. I also use Soulseek, it's a good one.
You can get some anathema live stuff there.