Minstrel of Woe
Yea, I havent really listened to all of them but from what I can surmise, after TotM Cannibal Corpse ceased to make good albums, only occasional good songs on meh albums.
Cannibal Corpse - Kill is crap, for one.
There's no fucking way anyone would need every Cannibal Corpse album if new to death metal. Just get Tomb of the Mutilated and stop.
you have a name of a kickass album!![]()
this should keep you busy for a bit
Absu - Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L
Adramelech - PsychoStasia
Afflicted - Prodical Sun
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
Anatomia - Dissected Humanity
Antropomorphia - Necromantic Love Songs
Ares Kingdom - Return to Dust
Asphyx - The Rack, Last One on Earth
Atheist - Piece Of Time, Unquestionable Presence
Atrocity (Ger) - Hallucinations, Todessehnsucht
Authorize - The Source Of Dominion
Autopsy - Severed Survival, Mental Funeral
Banished (US) - Deliver Me Unto Pain
Baphomet (US) - The Dead Shall Inherit
Belial (Fin) - The Gods of the Pit pt. II (Paragon So Below)
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Bolt Thrower - everything they did was great to pretty good
Brutality - Screams Of Anguish
Burial (Hol) - Relinquished Souls
Carbonized - For the Security
Carcass - first 3 albums
Carnage (Swe) - Dark Recollections
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey
Centinex - Subconscious Lobotomy
Ceremonial Oath - The Book of Truth
Ceremony (Hol) - Tyranny From Above
Church Bizarre - Sinister Glorification
Cianide - first 2 albums
Convulse - World Without God
Creepmime - Shadows
Crematory - Wrath From The Unknown, Denial
Crimson Relic - Purgatory's Reign
Crypt Of Kerberos - World of Myths, The Macrodex of War
Dark Millennium - both albums
Darkified - A Dance On The Grave
Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels
Death Strike - Fuckin' Dead
Deathevokation - The Chalice of Ages
Deicide - first 2 albums
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Demilich - Nespithe
Depravity (Fin) - Silence Of The Centuries
Derkéta - Goddess of Death
Desultory (Swe) - Into Eternity
Disgrace (Fin) - Grey Misery
Disincarnate - Dreams Of The Carrion Kind
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream
Dissect (Hol) - Swallow Swouming Mass
Divine Eve - Upon These Ashes Scorn The World
Edge Of Sanity - up to Crimson
Enigmatic - Two Days of April
Entombed - first 2 albums
Epitaph - Seeming Salvation
Eternal Solstice - The Wish Is Father To The Thought
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
Excrement - Scorched
Excruciate - Passage Of Life
Fester - Silence
Fleshcrawl - Descend Into The Absurd
Funebrarum - Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods
Funebre (Fin) - Children of the Scorn
Funerus - Festering Earth
Furbowl - Those Shredded Dreams
Goatlord (US) - Reflections Of The Solstice
God Macabre - The Winterlong
Goddefied - Abysmal Grief
Gorefest - Mindloss, False
Gorement - Darkness Of The Dead
Gorguts - first 2 albums
Grave - first 2 albums
Grotesque - In The Embrace Of Evil
Hellwitch - Syzygial Miscreancy
Hetsheads - We Hail The Possessed
Hypocrisy - first 2
Illdisposed - Four Depressive Seasons
Immolation - first 2 albums (others are pretty good too)
Imprecation (US) - Theurgia Goetia Summa
Incantation - first 3 albums
Infester (US) - To The Depths, In Degradation
Internal Decay (Swe) - A Forgotten Dream
Inverted - The Shadowland
Malevolent Creation - first 2 albums
Massacra - Final Holocaust, Enjoy the Violence
Massacre (US) - From Beyond
Master (US) - first 2 albums
Miasma (Aut) - Changes
Molested - Blod Draum
Monstrosity - Imperial Doom
Moondark - The Shadowpath
Morbid Angel - first 2 albums
Mordicus - Dances From Left
Mortem - first 3 albums (haven't heard the most recent one)
Mourning (Hol) - Greetings From Hell
Mythic - Mourning In The Winter Solstice
Mythos - Pain Amplifier
Necrony - Pathological Performances
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
Necros Christos - Trivne Impvrity Rites
Necrovation - Breed Darkness Blood
Nihilist (Swe) - demos
Nirvana 2002 - demos
Nocturnal Graves - Satan's Cross
Nocturnus - first 2 albums
Nominon - everything
Nuctemeron (US) - A Time The World Forgot
Obituary - first 2 albums
Obsecration - The Inheritors Of Pain
Pestilence - everything but Spheres
Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense
Polluted Inheritance - Ecocide
Possessed - Seven Churches, Beyond the Gates
Purtenance - Member of Immortal Damnation
Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness
Resurrection (US) - Embalmed Existence
Revenant (US) - Prophecies of a Dying World
Rigor Mortis (US) - Rigor Mortis (not immolation)
Ripping Corpse - Dreaming With the Dead
Rottrevore - Iniquitous
Runemagick - all their pure DM albums
Sargatanas (Mex) - The Enlightenment
Seance - both albums
Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom
Sentenced - first 2 albums
Slaughter (Can) - Strappado
Sorcery (Swe) - Bloodchilling Tales
Sororicide - The Entity
Soulburn - Feeding On Angels
Suffocation - first 3 albums
Symphony of Grief - Our Blessed Conqueror
Thanatos (Hol) - Emerging From The Netherworlds
The Chasm - everything
Therion (Swe) - first 2 alums
Tiamat - first 2 albums
Torchure - both albums
Unanimated - both albums
Uncanny - Splenium For Nyktophobia
Unleashed - first 2 albums
Utumno - Across the Horizon
Vader - first album
Vomiturition - A Leftover
Wombbath - Internal Caustic Torments
The album has a really generic sound, like they ran out of new ideas so they're just retreading old ones. Corpsegrinder honestly sounds shitty, the solos feel tacked on, and they aren't even revolting anymore. At least the Wretched Spawn made me feel unclean. But Kill? No gory art, and the song titles...Infinite Misery? LAME. The only really vile one is Submerged In Boiling Flesh.