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Oct 9, 2001
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I was wondering how and when you guys first got into Dark Tranquillity.

Me: 1999, listening to MP3s of The Gallery in college. "Punish My Heaven" and "Lethe" got me addicted.
i heard their 'trail of a life decayed' demo on a badly taped copy back in 1993. i thought they were pretty good.
later on, browsing through cds in a record store i stumbled into skydancer, remembered the band's name and bought it. ten days later, i swore i would have followed those guys into the very jaws of death.

i'm glad it hasn't been necessary yet, after all. :)

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Well I had heard the band name before. It was about a year ago when I was searching some mp3's and remembered the name Dark Tranquillity. I tried and found couple of songs. First song which I heard was Dividing Line and I was hooked. Then I downloaded more and more and more... :p until I had enough money to go to the record store and buy their cd's.
i cant compare to you long time fans :( but I heard them back in about February. I was barely getting into In Flames and someone suggested of course, Dark Tranquillity. Heard a few songs and since i was new, wasnt very interested, but as I got more into melodic death genre, I had to check em out again. Heard the title track from Haven and Lethe, Lethe hooked me and now I warship them lol.
I heard their at first, when TheMind'sI was release! It was CD called "Legends of Metal" here in Russia, month ago i bought a tape, then month , i bought CD "The Mind's I"... it was a good day!
A friend of mine kept on bugging me years ago about a band that was sooo great and their record "skydancer". I listened to it, and that's what got me hooked. I went to the record store and at that time DT had released both Skydancer and the Of Chaos... MCD. So I bought them both and after that.... you know what happens...
Back in 1997 I was "experimenting" much,buying Cds of bands I haven't heard much before etc etc...One of those bands were Dark tranquillity.I had only heard a couple of songs from The Gallery until I bought the Mind's I when it was released...and I got very very impressed.. I bought the rest of their albums in a very short period of time....and became a mega-fan :D
I was referring to DT as my fave band (together with In The woods... (R.I.P :cry: :cry: ) of course...) and all of my friends showed their approval of my metal-taste by calling me "false metalhead" :mad: :mad:
i just recently borrowed 'projector' from a friend of mine, because i heard the name DT quite often. then i started to look for some mp3 and found a few which i liked as much. about the same time i noticed this board here.
that's why i can't understand musicians moaning about mp3 as a serious threat to their income. except for bands which already are well-known, mp3 is a great medium to present a production to a huge audience. i wouldn't even know a lot of bands without mp3. and if it turns out to be good music, i'll actually buy their cds.
Well, when I first time heard Dark Tranquillity, it was 5 years ago...
I only started playing guitar and those times sepultura was my favourite band :confused: (shame on me).
A friend of mine brought me The Gallery. I listened to it and it seemed to me very chaotic. I can't say that it struck me as a ligthning like some of you said. It took me time to fully feel the band's grandeur. I was astonished how 5 guys with the standard instruments set could produce such a world of beauty and a mad (as it seemed to me) aggression. ... I never returned to Sepultura :) After that I got all their albums and in each I found lots of new for me

Now, as time flows further, my tastes change alot, but DT is the ultimately BEST band all over the world, and vicious time can do nothing about that but to serve its glory even more...

... you all have addmitted it ...
Prepare for a long story... I´ve always dreamt of telling someone this...:)

`twas in northern Sweden (Hovfjället, långt upp för mig!) early february 1995 and we (that is my school) were on a skiing trip. As it happend, I found myself together with my best friend Mattias in a room filled with smoke and the lovliest girl(s) I had ever seen. But that is another story... Anyway, later that night A girl from that very room asked us if we liked heavy metal, and since we´ve been listening to Iron Maiden and Helloween for some time (that is three years with only Maiden and the ´weens) we naturally said "Hell yeah!", that is "Ja för fan!". She had this tape with her that her boyfriend had recorded for her and she said "what do you think about this, guys?" She put it on, and we went crazy! `twas this furious music, that totally overwhelmed us, and I must say that I can´t really remember everything about that night, but I do remember us creating our own mosh-pit in that room, thrasing around!

Anyway... We were told that it was this band called In Flames, that just were to release their CD "the jester race" and that this was their earlier work "subterranean"... We then knew that we had to get our hands on that material...
A few weeks later we were invited to a party/concert where this guy were going to help this band with the mixing during the concerts... We thought "hell yeah" and went... We bought "the jester race" from the hands of Böna (that is Björn Gelotte)... We wanted some more and asked if there were more bands playing simular music, and he went "well, Dark Tranquillity..."

Just figure the rest out yerselves!

Thanks for the patience, and thanks for reading it all...:)

-pheww, and out-
Originally posted by Phyros
Prepare for a long story... I´ve always dreamt of telling someone this...:)

... I found myself together with my best friend Mattias in a room filled with smoke and the lovliest girl(s) I had ever seen. But that is another story... Anyway... We were told that it was this band called In Flames...

-pheww, and out-

Nice story there! :) but loveliest girls are better than In Flames :lol:
Ok, I think it was 1995....
At that time I just hated growlings and stuff, it was all bands like Cannibal and Deicide which to me drowned in the same dull senseless growling!
A friend of mine (I think we all have this friend sharing with us some potential knowlege huh?) gave put the promo for At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul. I nearly pissed my undies. I thought...arghhhhhhh damn cool!!! what did you said the name of the band is????

Few days later I boomed myself to the stores and I say to the man there, hey give me At the Gates, the new stuff. He said he hadn't got it yet, it was about to be released but not yet, and then (as we normally do when we don't find what we're looking for) said, "well have you got something like that" he said (thunder striking at the rear....) "hey lad, I have this some days ago, it's a minicd from this band Dark Tranquillity" I thought, what a shitty name (never been so wrong) and then he showed up Of Chaos and Eternal Night. I bought it and as phyros say, "hell yeah!" it shocked me, since then I bring them with me.
But still normal growlings I dislike a bit. i.e. at the gates fisrt works are boring and dull to me, specially gardens of grief, and also the demos from DT, but well who am I to say....I'm just a melon :)
So basically ATG adn DT opened my way to the growling world :)
I'd started buying Dark Tranquillity albums after 4-5 months of obtaining "illegal" D.T. MP3s.

The same goes for Metallica. Years ago, I acquired a college friend's entire Metallica studio recording albums on 1 CDR in MP3 format. Now, I have every legally-purchased Metallica this-and-that out there. Funny.
i was browzing to find some death metal bands and i came upon a site that listed metal bands of all the genres. i found dt and went straight to napster. i sat the whole night and downloaded like 30 songs. the next day i downloaded around 20 songs. i printed all the lyrics from dt's home page and in 2 days i knew all the songs. in one of my hand made cd's, i had "bolt of blazing gold", next meloncholy burning and next emptiness and next punish my heaven. listening to it for the first time, i felt battered and bruised. the pain that stanne brought in his vocals was just amazing, and the intricate guitar in all the songs. i thought i finally found my band. i went and got all dt cd's. thanks for reading my story.
I probably have the most bizzare story

I am a big amorphis fan, and one time on napster I saw a song called "Amorphis - The Minds I" so I downloaded it thinking it was an unrealeased track by amorphis. I listened to it and thought it was a very cool song but its definatley not amorphis so after a quick search on the internet I found out it was dark tranquillity. I downloaded some of their stuff and was immediatley hooked.
I had heard the name of DT but not any of their albums till May this year..I was in Germany (my first Europe trip) for my summer internship and wanted to visit a death/grindcore festival called Fuck The Commerce , which incidentally became the fist concert I ever attended..the guy who gave me a ride on his car to the festival( which was 700 kms from where I was staying) after playing some tapes, put on Gallery. .I rewinded the tape several tapes cos I couldnt get enough of
Punish My Heaven
..and he was good enough to let me do so(after all we had met only half an hour back)..that was the beginning, the introduction to this majestic band...
After coming back to India, I downloaded all of their albums..sadly enough I cant buy their stuff cos its not available here, but then hardly any band is available..not even something as universal as Slayer or Death..I would like to add that I have listened to a lot of Swedish bands since then and its really amazing what great bands have come out of this small country - ATG,Dissection, Opeth, Dismember, Marduk, Seance, Swordmaster, Tiamat...well, you must already be familiar with them but to me its a new,fascinating world!!
AttleseyC said:
I probably have the most bizzare story

I am a big amorphis fan, and one time on napster I saw a song called "Amorphis - The Minds I" so I downloaded it thinking it was an unrealeased track by amorphis. I listened to it and thought it was a very cool song but its definatley not amorphis so after a quick search on the internet I found out it was dark tranquillity. I downloaded some of their stuff and was immediatley hooked.

The first time I heard In Flames was a wav file named "Korn - Episode 666" :lol:

I started listening to DT when I noticed that a lot of In Flames fans liked them too and the bands were connected. THat was in the past 6-9 months... Maybe I have some song sby them in my old wav/mp3 music collection... I just need to get that computer to work :)

Steve (*bump*)