Several years ago I began buying music cassetes, because everybody did (that's a silly reason, I know), but soon enough discovered that there is no sence of buying the full albums of those pop singers I was into that time. So I wandered through the coming and going one-day pop songs and thought that the music of any genre can be good if it's of fine quality and well-composed. I didn't like metal then; it seemed too noisy and depressing for me.
It happened that I became interested in the tolkienists' movement. The guys listened to Blind Guardian, Nightwish and Summoning. The growling vocals disgusted me, but the melodies of Blind Guardian soon got me hooked. I became a huge BG fan, and they moved me from the lighter melodic songs to heavier ones, as their repertoire was really various. At some point I became bored with BG and was searching for something else. Then a CD-R with mp3's got into my hands (last 2001/2002 winter or smth). The Gallery was there... It took me some time to get used to totally another sound of the band, but the energetic intro of Punish My Heaven hooked me from the very start. I still go crazy jumping around and headbanging every time I hear that song. I didn't even knew I could hearbang.
Although I can't do it for a long time - my head runs dizzy after several moves, maybe because my hair is too darn long (it reaches my waist). Oh well, headbanging is not the only way to dance to DT's music, and that's another point in favour of them.
It was very very difficult for me to get used to the growling and electro-guitars, but I did after all, because I didn't find as much of me in any other musical genre as in melodic death metal. I can't stand popular music now (I mean pop, rap, dance tunes and all the other MTV crap), because there is no such depth and creativity in it as I found in certain types of metal, with DT as my favourite band. They do show a lot of class.
I remember that I've seen Zodijackyl Light on MTV when I only got The Gallery album on my hands, so I recognised only the name of the band. Such a pity... I wish I could turn back time and watch the video again...
I've written too much, I think. Sorry for that.